

Meeting Announcement

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Plenary sessionPreview presentations(Bay Ballroom E)
8:30 - 8:45K. Burrell / P. GohilWelcome / Logistics
8:45 - 10:05K. Burrell (Chair)
X. GarbetTowards a predictive understanding of particle transport
10:05 - 10:30Break
10:30 - 11:50P. Diamond (Chair)
M. FargeThe role of coherent structures for transport in fully-developed fluid turbulence
11:50 - 1:30Lunch
1:30 - 4:10C. Greenfield (Chair)
1:30 - 2:50T.S. Hahm / O.D. Gurcan /
P.H. Diamond
Plasma Rotation and Momentum Transport I & II
2:50 - 4:10S.E. SharapovFast particle transport: from present-day experiment and modelling towards control of burning plasmas
4:10 - 4:30Break
4:30 - 5:50B. Breizman (Chair)
A.W. LeonardA Development Path for a Validated Pedestal Model
6:30 - 9:30Reception (William D. Evans sternwheeler)
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Plenary sessionPlenary session(Bay Ballroom E)
8:30 - 10:00P. W. Terry (Chair)Verification and Validation
10:00 - 10:30Break
Parallel Working sessionsParallel group sessions
10:30 - 12:00Core I (Bay Ballroom E)
Edge I (Del Mar)
Energetic Particles I (Marina)
Momentum I (Ventana)
12:00 - 1:30Lunch
1:30 - 3:00Poster session - Core group (Bayside Pavilion)
3:00 - 3:30Break
3:30 - 6:00Core II (Bay Ballroom E)
Edge II (Del Mar)
Energetic Particles II (Marina)
Momentum II (Ventana)
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Parallel Working sessionsParallel group sessions
8:30 - 10:00Core III (Bay Ballroom E)
Edge III (Del Mar)
Energetic Particles III (Marina)
Momentum III (Ventana)
10:00 - 10:30Break
10:30 - 12:00Core IV (Bay Ballroom E)
Edge IV (Del Mar)
Energetic Particles IV (Ventana)
12:00 - 1:30Lunch
1:30 - 3:00Poster session - Edge/ Energetic Particles/ Momentum groups (Bayside Pavilion)
3:00 - 3:30Break
3:30 - 6:00Core V (Bay Ballroom E)
Edge V (Del Mar)
Energetic Particles V (Ventana)
Friday, April 20, 2007
Plenary sessionGroup Summaries(Bay Ballroom E)
8:30 - 10:00K. Burrell (Chair)
8:30 - 9:15P.H. DiamondMomentum Group
9:15 - 10:00B. N. BreizmanEnergetic Particles Group
10:00 - 10:30Break
10:30 - 12:00P. Diamond (Chair)
10:30 - 11:15D. E. NewmanCore Group
11:15 - 12:00R.J. GroebnerEdge Group
12:00Meeting closed

Core Tranport Group sessions
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
10:30 - 12:00Core I: Fundamentals
D.R. ErnstDirect Observation of TEM Turbulence and Nonlinear Upshift of TEM Critical Density Gradient
K.W. GentleMagnetic Fluctuations Associated with Electrostatic Drift-Wave Turbulence
F. HintonNonlinear excitation and damping of Zonal Flows using a renormalized polarization response
I. HolodDiscrete particle noise in particle-in-cell simulations of plasma turbulence
F. MerzThe physics of trapped electron mode turbulence
3:30 - 5:00Core II: Transport
W.X. DingCore Measurements of Magnetic Fluctuation-Induced Particle and Momentum Flux in MST
Z. LinTurbulent transport via wave-particle decorrelation in collisionless plasmas
G.R. McKeeScaling of Turbulence and Transport with Toroidal Mach Number
P.A. PolitzerEffects of Toroidal Rotation on Hybrid Scenario Plasmas
N. TamuraExperimental study on nonlocal electron heat transport in LHD
5:00 - 6:00Discussion
Thursday, April 19, 2007
8:30 - 10:00Core III: Transport and Fundamentals 1
W.M. NevinsTime Scales in Plasma Microturbulence
Y. SarazinGyrokinetic simulations of ITG turbulence with GYSELA 5D
F. JenkoScale-separation between ion and electron heat transport
W.W. LeeIssues Associated with Steady State Turbulence Simulations
W. GuttenfelderTheory Based Transport Modeling of ECRH Plasmas in HSX
10:30 - 12:00Core IV: Barriers etc
M.E. AustinRole of ExB shear zonal flow and rational q in ITB formation
M.W. ShaferLocal Core Turbulence Dynamics During q_min-Triggered Internal Transport Barriers on DIII-D
C.J. McDevittLow-q resonances, transport barriers, and secondary electrostatic convective cells
D.L. BrowerMagnetic Fluctuation-Induced Charge Transport and Zonal Flow Generation in MST
A.H. KritzPlans for the PTRANSP Project
3:30 - 5:00Core V: Transport and Fundamentals 2
J.A. CarlssonBlock quasi-Newton solver for transport equations
D. del-Castillo-NegreteNonlocal transport and fast pulse propagation
N. VianelloEnergy balance including turbulence effects in Reversed Field Pinch Plasmas
R. SanchezOverview of recent results regarding the appearance of non-diffusive behaviour in fluid and gyrokinetic turbulence codes
R.V. BravenecDeveloping Experimentally Relevant Benchmarks for Gyrokinetic Microstability Codes
5:00 - 6:00Discussion

Edge Transport Group sessions
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
10:30 - 12:00Edge I: Pedestal Theory / Models
C. HidalgoOn the Link Between Flows, Turbulence and Electric Fields on the Edge of Fusion Plasmas (joint session with momentum group)
A.Y. Pankin (G. Bateman)Dynamic Modeling of Equilibrium in XGC Gyrokinetic Simulations of Pedestal Evolution
M.A. MalkovDynamics of the L-H and H-L Transitions, and Implications for the Pedestal
W.M. StaceyIon particle transport in the edge pedestal
L. ChenRadial structures and nonlinear excitation of Geodesic Acoustic Modes (joint session with Energetic Particles group)
3:30 - 6:00Edge II: Pedestal Theory / Models
C.S. ChangCan the H-mode be sustained by neoclassical mechanisms?
Z. XiongTEMPEST Simulations of the Geodesic Acoustic Mode
Y. XiaoGyrokinetic Simulation of Trapped Electron Mode in Tokamak Edge Plasmas
T.D. RognlienAn interpretive mode for the UEDGE transport code
R.D. Smirnov (S. Krasheninnikov)Modeling of dust in tokamak plasmas
Thursday, April 19, 2007
8:30 - 10:00Edge III: H-mode Experiment
A.E. HubbardTwo-phase L-H transitions in unfavorable configurations in Alcator C-Mod
J.E. MaggsRotation induced L to H mode transition of a cyclindrical plasma column
D.M. ThomasEdge Current Dynamics During ELMs
R.A. MoyerPedestal Turbulence and Transport Response to an External Magnetic Perturbation in DIII-D
10:30 - 12:00Edge IV: Tests of Models
U. StrothExperimental study of the electromagnetic component of drift-wave turbulence
J.D. CallenPaleoclassical H-Mode Pedestal Modeling
R.J. GroebnerInitial Tests of TGLF Transport Model With Experimental H-Mode Pedestal Data in DIII-D
D.P. StotlerA Step Closer to a Validation Exercise
3:30 - 6:00Edge V: SOL/Edge Transport
S.H. MullerPlasma blobs in a basic toroidal experiment: Origin, dynamics and induced transport
I. FurnoMechanism for plasma blob generation and transport in the TORPEX toroidal plasma
K. SchneiderExtraction of coherent structures from turbulent edge plasma in magnetic fusion devices using orthogonal wavelets
T.A. CarterStructure and statistics of turbulently generated blobs and holes in LAPD
J.A. BoedoExperimental Tests of Turbulent Transport Near Marginal Stability
D.A. D'IppolitoRecent progress in SOL turbulence simulations

Energetic Particles Group sessions
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
10:30 - 12:00Energetic Particles I
W.W. HeidbrinkSpatial Transport of Fast Ions by Alfven eigenmodes in DIII-D
M. PorkolabObservations of Alfven Cascades During ICRF heating in Alcator C-Mod
J.A. SnipesA Comparison of Alfven Eigenmode Stability in L- and H-mode
L. ChenRadial structures and nonlinear excitation of Geodesic Acoustic Modes (joint oral with Edge transport group - Del Mar room)
3:30 - 6:00Energetic Particles II
Y. LuoFast-Ion Profiles in Quiet Plasmas
D.S. Darrow (N.A. Crocker)MHD Induced Neutral Beam Ion Loss from NSTX
K.W. HillEffects of MHD and Toroidal Field Ripple on Fast Ion Loss from JET
Y. ZhangShear Alfven Wave Spectra in a Periodic Magnetic Mirror Array
J.W. Van DamDirect Drive by Cyclotron Heating Can Explain Spontaneous Rotation in Tokamaks (joint oral with Momentum group - Ventana Room)
Thursday, April 19, 2007
8:30 - 10:00Energetic Particles III
B.N. BreizmanAlfven Cascade Quasi-modes
H. BerkDriven Frequency-Sweeping in Plasmas
Y. NishimuraAlfven Continuum and Toroidal Gap Generation in Global Electromagnetic Gyrokinetic Simulations
T. Hauff (F. Jenko)Redistribution of fast particles by background turbulence
10:30 - 12:00Energetic Particles IV
N.N. GorelenkovGlobal Beta-induced Alfven-Acoustic Modes in JET and NSTX
N.A. CrockerInvestigation of fast ion mode nonlinear dynamics and spatial structure in NSTX
S.E. SharapovRecent JET experiments with ICRH accelerated ions
3:30 - 6:00Energetic Particles V
R.V. BudnyPredictions of fast ion parameters in ITER Advanced Plasmas
N.N. GorelenkovTheory milestone, update on ITER TAE stability simulations
R. Nazikian, J. Van DamBPO discussion

Momentum Group sessions
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
10:30 - 12:00Momentum I
C HidalgoOn the Link Between Flows, Turbulence and Electric Fields on the Edge of Fusion Plasmas (joint oral with Edge group - Del Mar room)
A. BortolonToroidal Momentum Transport in Limited and Diverted Ohmic Plasmas
3:30 - 6:00Momentum II
V. NaulinMomentum Transport in the Edge and into the SOL
T.S. HahmNonlinear Gyrokinetic Theory of Toroidal Angular Momentum Pinch
R.V. BudnyGyrokinetic Simulations of Angular Momentum Transport and Comparisons with Experiments
O.D. GurcanTurbulent Generation of Poloidal Rotation and Self-Consistent Plasma Dynamics
J.W. Van DamDirect Drive by Cyclotron Heating Can Explain Spontaneous Rotation in Tokamaks (joint oral with Energetic Particles group)
Thursday, April 19, 2007
8:30 - 10:00Momentum III
R.E. WaltzGyrokinetic Simulation of Toroidal Angular Momentum Transport
P.H. DiamondPhysics of Intrinsic Rotation
W.M. SolomonInvestigation of Global Momentum Confinement Times on DIII-D
A.C. Ince-CushmanScaling Laws for Intrinsic Toroidal Rotation in High Confinement Mode Plasmas
D.J. Schlossberg (McKee)Dependence of Edge Turbulence Dynamics and the L-H Power Threshold on Toroidal Rotation
Wednesday, April 18 - Thursday, April 19 2007

All posters need to be put up by 1:30 PM on Wednesday, April 18 and to remain on display until 3:00 PM on Thursday, April 19, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
1:30 - 3:00Core Transport group
P1AngelinoBenchmark of a semi-Lagrangian and a Lagrangian code for gyrokinetic simulations
P3CallenPaleoclassical Model: Minimum Transport Levels
P5Candy Progress on a Fully Gyrokinetic Transport Code
P7DeBooDesign of an Experiment to Discriminate Between ITG and TEM Turbulence
P9Doyle Turbulence Measurement Possibilities for ITER
P11Fahey Status on the computational aspects of developing a fully gyrokinetic transport code
P13Fiore ITB Transport Studies in Alcator C-Mod
P15Greenwald Density Peaking And Particle Transport At Low Collisionality On Alcator C-Mod
P17HamadaChange of Zonal Flow Spectra in the JIPP T-IIU Tokamak Plasmas
P19HollandComparison of Gyrokinetic Simulation Against Core Turbulence Fluctuation Measurements via Virtual Diagnostics
P21IshizawaMulti-scale interactions among macro-MHD, micro-turbulence, and zonal flows
P23Kaye Confinement, transport and turbulence properties of NSTX plasmas
P25Kim Electron tranport analysis in NSTX
P27Kinsey Plasma Shaping Effects on Driftwave Transport and ExB Shear Quenching in GYRO Simulations
P29Kruger Overview of Framework Application for Core-Edge Transport Simulations (FACETS)
P31Leboeuf Particle characterization of transport in global gyrokinetic calculations of ion channel turbulence in tokamak plasmas
P33Lin, L. Experimental Studies of Turbulence with the Phase Contrast Imaging Diagnostic in the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak
P35Mier Non-diffusive features of near-critical DTEM-turbulence in the presence of a subdominant diffusive transport channel
P37Newman Role of polarization and ExB nonlinearities in setting tracer transport features in dissipative-trapped-electron-mode turbulence
P39PaceEnergy Transport Driven by Electron Temperature Gradients
P41Plunk Gyrokinetic Secondary Instability Theory for Electron and Ion Temperature Gradient Driven Turbulence
P43PrattControl of Fluctuations in the GAMMA-10 by Sheared Flow
P45Rhodes ETG Scale Turbulence and Plasma Transport in the DIII-D Tokamak
P47RomanelliTwo fluid global simulations of internal and external transport barrier formation and relaxation phenomena in tokamaks
P49Rowan Impurity Transport for r/a < 1 in the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak
P51Samaddar Noise in transport models
P53Schmitz First Doppler Reflectometry Results from the DIII-D Tokamak
P55Staebler Saturation Rule for the TGLF Transport Model Fit to Shaped Geometry GYRO Simulations
P57Stutman Dependence of the perturbed electron transport on heat flux and q-profile in NSTX
P59Terry Nonlinear Refractive Suppression of Turbulence and Transport by Strong Magnetic Shear
P61Vermare Studies of the beta dependence of transport in ASDEX Upgrade
P63Wang, W. Gyrokinetic Simulation Studies of Plasma Transport in NSTX Experiments
P65WhiteStudy of Electron Temperature Fluctuations in DIII-D using a Correlation ECE Diagnostic
P67Wong Microtearing instabilities and electron transport in NSTX
P69ZakharovEquilibrium Spline Interface (ESI) for magnetic confinement codes
P71Ernst Direct Observation of TEM Turbulence and Nonlinear Upshift of TEM Critical Density Gradient
P73Gentle Magnetic Fluctuations Associated with Electrostatic Drift-Wave Turbulence
P75HintonNonlinear excitation and damping of Zonal Flows using a renormalized polarization response
P77Holod Discrete particle noise in particle-in-cell simulations of plasma turbulence
P79Merz The physics of trapped electron mode turbulence
P81Lin, Z. Turbulent transport via wave-particle decorrelation in collisionless plasmas
P83McKeeScaling of Turbulence and Transport with Toroidal Mach Number
P85PolitzerEffects of Toroidal Rotation on Hybrid Scenario Plasmas
P87TamuraExperimental study on nonlocal electron heat transport in LHD
P89Nevins Time Scales in Plasma Microturbulence
P91Sarazin Gyrokinetic simulations of ITG turbulence with GYSELA 5D
P94Jenko Scale-separation between ion and electron heat transport
P95Lee Issues Associated with Steady State Turbulence Simulations
P96Guttenfelder Theory Based Transport Modeling of ECRH Plasmas in HSX
P97AustinRole of ExB shear zonal flow and rational q in ITB formation
P98Shafer Local Core Turbulence Dynamics During q_min-Triggered Internal Transport Barriers on DIII-D
P99McDevittLow-q resonances, transport barriers, and secondary electrostatic convective cells
P100BrowerMagnetic Fluctuation-Induced Charge Transport and Zonal Flow Generation in MST
P101Kritz Plans for the PTRANSP Project
P102Carlsson Block quasi-Newton solver for transport equations
P103del-Castillo-Negrete Nonlocal transport and fast pulse propagation
P104VianelloEnergy balance including turbulence effects in Reversed Field Pinch Plasmas
P105SanchezOverview of recent results regarding the appearance of non-diffusive behaviour in fluid and gyrokinetic turbulence codes
P106BravenecDeveloping Experimentally Relevant Benchmarks for Gyrokinetic Microstability Codes
Thursday, April 19, 2007
1:30 - 3:00Edge Transport group
P2Belli Unified Gyrokinetic Simulations of Drift Wave Turbulence and Neoclassical Transport
P4Callen Paleoclassical H-Mode Pedestal Modeling
P6Dahlburg Helimak Fluctuation Analysis comparing Fluid Simulations and Data
P8Dorris Localized Measurement of Short Wavelength Plasma Fluctuations with the DIII-D Phase Contrast Imaging Diagnostic
P10Joseph Calculation of the Thermal Footprint of Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in Poloidally-Diverted Tokamaks
P12Kamberov Turbulent Transport of Plasma Observed in Model-Independent Simulations of the Scrape-Off Layer
P14Ku Verification of XGC, a gyrokinetic edge particle code
P16Naulin Momentum transport in the edge and into the SOL
P18Park, G. Kinetic simulation of 3D magnetic field perturbation effects on pedestal and ELM
P20Park, H. NSTX High-k Scattering System on NSTX: Status and Plan
P22Pigarov Simulation of parallel SOL flows with UEDGE.
P24Ramisch (Stroth) Observation of large-scale coherent structures under strong ExB shear
P26Rost Eigenmode Analysis of Turbulence Measurements from the DIII-D Phase Contrast Imaging Diagnostic
P28Rudakov Statistical Properties of Electrostatic Fluctuations and Turbulent Cross-Field Fluxes in DIII-D SOL
P30Schlossberg (Schafer) Dependence of Edge Turbulence Dynamics and the LH Power Threshold on Toroidal Rotation
P32Snyder Understanding the Power Dependence of the Pedestal
P34Umansky Progress in BOUT modeling of NSTX edge plasma
P36Wang, G. Broadband Magnetic and Density Fluctuation Evolution Prior to First ELM in DIII-D Edge Pedestal
P38Xu, M. Experimental Setup for Nonlinear Energy Transfer Measurements in the Frequency Domain
P40Yan Magnetic-field scaling of turbulence-driven shear flows in a linear magnetized plasma
P42Yu Fast Imaging of ELM Structure in DIII-D
P44Zeng Effects of Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on Edge Density Profile in DIII-D
Momentum group
P46Broemstrup Coherency in plasma turbulence
P48Ding Core Measurements of Magnetic Fluctuation-Induced Particle and Momentum Flux in MST
P50Johnson Angular Momentum Transport Rates from Rotation Measurements: I, II
P52EbrahimiMomentum transport from current-driven reconnection
P54KuritsynTransport of Parallel Momentum during Reconnection Events in the Madison Symmetric Torus Reversed Field Pinch
P56Rice Scaling Laws for Intrinsic Toroidal Rotation in High Confinement Mode Plasmas
P58Xu, X.Q. TEMPEST Simulations of the neoclassic radial electric field and bootstrap current
Energetic Particles group
P60HeidbrinkSpatial Transport of Fast Ions by Alfven eigenmodes in DIII-D
P62Porkolab Observations of Alfven Cascades During ICRF heating in Alcator C-Mod
P64SnipesA Comparison of Alfven Eigenmode Stability in L- and H-mode
P66Chen Radial structures and nonlinear excitation of Geodesic Acoustic Modes
P68LuoFast-Ion Profiles in Quiet Plasmas
P70Darrow (Crocker)MHD Induced Neutral Beam Ion Loss from NSTX
P72HillEffects of MHD and Toroidal Field Ripple on Fast Ion Loss from JET
P74ZhangShear Alfven Wave Spectra in a Periodic Magnetic Mirror Array
P76Van Dam Direct Drive by Cyclotron Heating Can Explain Spontaneous Rotation in Tokamaks
P78Breizman Alfven Cascade Quasi-modes
P80Vann (Berk)Driven Frequency-Sweeping in Plasmas
P82Nishimura Alfven Continuum and Toroidal Gap Generation in Global Electromagnetic Gyrokinetic Simulations
P84Hauff (Jenko) Redistribution of fast particles by background turbulence
P86Crocker Investigation of fast ion mode nonlinear dynamics and spatial structure in NSTX
P88Sharapov Recent JET experiments with ICRH accelerated ions
P90Budny Predictions of fast ion parameters in ITER Advanced Plasmas
P92Gorelenkov Global Beta-induced Alfven-Acoustic Modes in JET and NSTX
P93Gorelenkov Theory milestone, update on ITER TAE stability simulations