

Meeting Announcement

Conference Program

List of Abstracts

Important Dates

Conference Topics

Submission of Abstracts (Closed)

Pre-Registration (Closed)


Directions and Map

Venue and Social Events

Program Committee

Tourist Information

Workshop Program

The workshop participants are strongly encouraged to publish their workshop presentations on the conference website. The presentations can be uploaded to the conference computer at any time during the meeting. A web publication release form is required to be completed on submission of your presentation to the conference website. Please submit your completed forms to the conference admins at the meeting.

Poster presentations: The poster board dimensions are 8 feet x 4 feet.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Plenary session Plenary presentations(Canyon Room)
8:30 - 8:45 K. Burrell / P. Gohil Welcome / Logistics
8:45 - 10:15  (Chair: K. Burrell)
  C. Holland Validation of Nonlinear Simulations of Core Tokamak Turbulence: Current Status and Future Directions
10:15 - 10:45 Break
10:45 - 12:15  (Chair: P. Diamond)
  J. Chen Terascale direct numerical simulation of turbulent combustion
12:15 - 2:00 Lunch
2:00 - 3:30  (Chair: S. Kaye)
  B. LaBombard Scrape-off layer flows, toroidal rotation and critical gradient phenomena in the tokamak edge
3:30 - 4:00 Break
4:00 - 5:30  (Chair: T.S Hahm)
  J. Kinsey Development and Validation of the Next Generation Trapped Gyro-Landau-Fluid Transport Model
6:30 - 9:00 Reception (Millenium and Century Rooms))
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Parallel Working sessions Parallel group sessions
8:30 - 10:00 Core I (Canyon Room)
Edge I (Century Room)
Energetic Particles I (Suite 231)
Momentum I (Millenium Room)
10:00 - 10:30 Break
10:30 - 12:00 Core II (Canyon Room)
Edge II (Century Room)
Energetic Particles II (Suite 231)
Momentum II (Millenium Room)
12:00 - 1:30 Lunch
1:30 - 3:00 Poster session - Core, Edge and Momentum Groups(Flagstaff Room)
3:00 - 3:30 Break
3:30 - 5:30 Core III (Canyon Room)
Edge III (Century Room)
Energetic Particles III (Suite 231)
Momentum III (Millenium Room)
Plenary session Town Hall Meeting (Canyon Room)
7:30 - 9:30  (Chair: K. Burrell) ITER/BPO Session
W. Houlberg/
J. Van Dam
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Parallel Working sessions Parallel group sessions
8:30 - 10:00 Core IV (Canyon Room)
Edge IV (Century Room)
Energetic Particles IV (Suite 231)
Momentum IV (Millenium Room)
10:00 - 10:30 Break
10:30 - 12:00 Core V (Canyon Room)
Edge V (Century Room)
Energetic Particles V (Suite 231)
Momentum V (Millenium Room)
12:00 - 1:30 Lunch
1:30 - 3:00 Poster session - Core and Energetic Particles oral presentations (Flagstaff Room)
3:00 - 3:30 Break
3:30 - 6:00 Core VI (Canyon Room)
Edge VI (Century Room)
Friday, March 28, 2008
Plenary session Group Summaries (Canyon Room)
8:15 - 9:35 (Chair: P. Terry)
8:15 - 8:55 D. Newman Core Summary
8:55 - 9:35 P. Diamond Momentum Summary
9:35 - 10:00 Break
10:00 - 11:20 (Chair: K. Burrell)
10:00 - 10:40 B. Breizman Energetic Particles Summary
10:40 - 11:20 R. Groebner Edge Summary
11:20 - 11:30 Closing Remarks
11:30 Meeting Closed
Core Tranport Group sessions (Canyon Room)
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
8:30 - 10:00 Core I: Fundamentals I
L.T. Neko Resonance Coherency, Transport Events and Spreading of CTEM Turbulence
R. Sanchez Characterization of transport dynamics emergent from the self-consistent interaction between fluctuations and zonal flows in ITG gyrokinetic simulations with the UCAN code
D. del-castillo-Negrete Nonlocal models of perturbative transport
L. Wang Theory of fine-scale zonal flow generation
10:30 - 12:10 Core II: Fundamentals II
R.E. Waltz Numerical Experiments on the Drift Wave-Zonal Flow Paradigm for Nonlinear Saturation
R. Gatto A model of electron transport from self-consistent action-angle transport theory
G.M. Hogeweij Paleoclassical Transport Explains Electron Transport Barriers in RTP and TEXTOR
K.W. Gentle Mechanism of Turbulence Stabilization
Wei, Sokolov & Sen A Basic Experiment on the Production and Identification of ETG Modes
3:30- 5:30 Core III: Transport and Transport Barriers
D.R. Smith Electron gyro-scale fluctuations in NSTX plasmas
A.B. Sharapov Bifurcations of Magnetic Turbulence during L-H Transition and ITB Formation in JET Plasmas
C.L. Fiore ITB Transport Studies in Alcator C-Mod
D.L. Brower Parallel and Perpendicular Flows Associated with Stochastic Magnetic Field Driven Transport in MST
Thursday, March 27, 2008
8:30 - 10:00 Core IV: Electron Transport
D.R. Ernst Nonlinear Upshift of the TEM Critical Density Gradient and other TEM Developments
S.E. Parker Zonal Flow and Zonal Density Saturation Mechanisms for Trapped Electron Mode Turbulence
Y. Xiao CTEM Turbulence and Transport Dynamics
Y. Nishimura GTC full torus electromagnetic gyrokinetic particle simulations with kinetic electrons
10:30 - 12:00 Core V: Transport Modeling
W.M. Nevins Gyrokinetic simulations at finite beta
S. Lin GTC simulation of turbulence and transport in tokamak plasmas
G. Dif-Pradalier A simplified collision operator for gyrokinetic simulations
J. Candy Progress on TGYRO - The Steady-State Gyrokinetic Transport Code
3:30 - 6:00 Core VI: V & V and transport Models
G. Rewoldt Global gyrokinetic calculations for experimental cases
G. Bateman Predictive Particle Transport Modeling Using the PTRANSP Code
Edge Transport Group sessions (Century Room)
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
8:30 - 10:00 Edge I: Pedestal Structure
P. Snyder Developing and Testing a Predictive Model of the Pedestal Height
A.Y. Pankin Modeling of ELM Cycle Using XGC0 and NIMROD in CPES Framework
C.S. Chang Kinetic study of irreducible pedestal structure in an ELM free edge
R.J. Groebner Comparison of Experimental H-mode Pedestal Widths in DIII-D to a Neoclassical Pedestal Model
10:30 - 12:00 Edge II: Transition dynamics
R.A. Moyer Dynamics of H-mode Pedestal Formation in L-H Transitions in DIII-D
R.M. McDermott Edge Radial Electric Field Structure on Alcator C-Mod
P. Ricci High- and low-confinement modes in simple magnetized toroidal plasmas
C. Hidalgo On the long distance correlation of fluctuations during edge transitions to improved confinement regimes in the TJ-II stellarator
3:30 - 5:30 Edge III: SOL Flows (Joint with Momentum Group)
I. Cziegler Poloidal Velocities and Poloidal Velocity Shear as Measured using the Broadband Edge Turbulence in Alcator C-Mod
N. Brooks Effect of B-field Direction and Core Torque Input on SOL Flows of Carbon Ions and Deuterons in USN Plasmas on DIII-D
C.S. Chang Gyrokinetic XGC1 study of the neoclassical scrape-off layer flow, and its interplay with the pedestal flow and structure
J.R. Myra Transport of perpendicular momentum across the last closed surface
P.H. Diamond Mechanisms of Edge-Core Coupling: Some Speculations on How SOL Flows Influence Intrinsic Rotation and the L-H Transition
Thursday, March 27, 2008
8:30 - 10:00 Edge IV: Boundary turbulence
L. Zeng Effects of Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on Edge Density Profile and Fluctuations in DIII-D
W. Ding Measurements of Particle Flux due to Stochastic Magnetic Field In MST
D.C. Pace Exponential Frequency Spectrum and Anomalous Transport
D.A. Russell Saturation mechanisms in reduced simulations of boundary turbulence
10:30 - 12:00 Edge V: Edge Codes
X. Xu Gyrokinetic simulations of collisionless damping of geodesic-acoustic modes in edge plasma pedestal
Y. Chen Coupled GEM-XGC Simulations of Edge Pedestal Plasmas
3:30 - 6:00 Edge VI: Interpretative modeling
W.M. Stacey Theoretical and experimental heat diffusivities in the DIII-D edge plasma
T. Rafiq Electron Thermal Transport Through the Plasma Edge
J.M. Canik SOLPS modeling of ELM-free and inter-ELM H-mode edge plasmas
J.D. Callen Fluid Description, Equations For Pedestal Transport Modeling
Energetic Particles Group sessions (Suite 231)
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
8:30 - 10:00 Energetic Particles I
E.E. Edlund Experimental study of reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes during ICRF minority heating and relationship to sawtooth crash phenomena in Alcator C-Mod
N.N. Gorelenkov Properties of Reversed Shear Alfvén Eigenmodes in Ideal MHD
G.Y Fu Energetic Particle-induced Geodesic Acoustic Mode
R. Nazikian N=0 axisymmetric mode in DIII-D
10:30 - 12:00 Energetic Particles II
D.S Darrow Neutral Beam Ion Loss During EPMs and RSAEs in NSTX Plasmas
E.D. Fredrickson Toroidal Alfvén Eigenmode Avalanches
R.V. Budny Predictions of fast ion parameters in ITER plasmas
D. Liu Correlations of Signals of Neutral Particle Analyzer Diagnostics with Instability Bursts
3:30 - 5:30 Energetic Particles III
C. Deng Fast-Electron-Driven Instabilities in the HSX Stellarator
A. Macor Fast particle triggered modes: experimental investigation of Electron Fishbones on TORE SUPRA
J.A. Snipes Fast Electron Driven Alfvén Eigenmodes in the Current Rise
C. Nguyen Theoretical and experimental study of the threshold for kinetic-MHD Beta Alfvén Eigenmode destabilization in Tore-Supra
Y. Zhang Observation of Doppler-Shifted Cyclotron Resonance of Fast Ions with Shear Alfvén Waves
T.A. Carter Studies of nonlinear processes associated with Alfven and drift-Alfven waves
J. Pratt Drift-Wave Eigenmodes and Spectral Gaps in Tandem Mirrors
Thursday, March 27, 2008
8:30 - 10:00 Energetic Particles IV
Z. Lin Gyrokinetic simulation of energetic particle turbulence and transport
Y. Nishimura Gyrokinetic particle simulation of toroidicity induced Alfven eignmode
J. Lang Gyrokinetic delta-f particle simulation of energetic particles driven modes
W. Zhang Turbulent Transport of Energetic Particles by Microturbulence
10:30 - 12:00 Energetic Particles V
T. Dannert Turbulent transport of beam ions
M. Chu Gyrokinetic Simulation of Energetic Particle Driven TAE Modes
D.A. Spong Energetic Particle Stability and Confinement Issues in 3D Configurations
Momentum Group sessions (Millenium Room)
Wednesday,March 26, 2008
8:30 -10:00 Momentum I: Experiment and Phenomenology
S. Kaye Momentum Transport Studies in NSTX
A. Ince-Cushman Counter Current Toroidal Rotation Induced by Lower Hybrid Waves
T.S. Hahm Intrinsic Rotation Model Combining Momentum Pinch and Residual Stress: Scaling and Profile Predictions
10:30 - 12:00 Momentum II: MHD and Electromagnetic Effects
F. Waelbrock Rotation braking and error-field penetration
A. Kuritsyn Momentum Transport during Spontaneous Reconnection Events and Edge Biasing in the MST Reversed Field Pinch
D. Brower Parallel and Perpendicular Flows Associated with Stochastic Magnetic Field Driven Transport in MST
3:30 - 5:30 Momentum III: SOL Flows (Joint with Edge group in Century room)
I. Cziegler Poloidal Velocities and Poloidal Velocity Shear as Measured using the Broadband Edge Turbulence in Alcator C-Mod
N. Brooks Effect of B-field Direction and Core Torque Input on SOL Flows of Carbon Ions and Deuterons in USN Plasmas on DIII-D
C.S. Chang Gyrokinetic XGC1 study of the neoclassical scrape-off layer flow, and its interplay with the pedestal flow and structure
J.R. Myra Transport of perpendicular momentum across the last closed surface
P.H. Diamond Mechanisms of Edge-Core Coupling: Some Speculations on How SOL Flows Influence Intrinsic Rotation and the L-H Transition
Thursday, March 27, 2008
8:30 - 10:00 Momentum IV: Momentum Transport Theory
O. Gurcan Poloidal Reynolds stress, and its influence on intrinsic rotation/momentum transport
S.K. Wong Poloidal Velocity of Impurity Ions in Neoclassical Theory
C.M. McDevitt Transport of Parallel Momentum by Collisionless Electromagnetic Turbulence
10:30 - 12:00 Momentum V: Simulation of Momentum Transport Mechanics
P.W. Terry Role of Stable Eigenmodes in Anomalous Momentum Transport
W.X. Wang Global gyrokinetic simulation of toroidal momentum transport
I. Holod Gyrokinetic particle simulations of parallel momentum transport in tokamak
Poster Seesions (Flagstaff Room)
Wednesday, March 26 - Thursday, March 27, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
1:30 - 3:00 Core, Edge and Momentum posters 
P1 Angelino Gyrokinetic simulations of plasma microturbulence in a quasi-steady state regimes
P2 Bespamyatnov Light Impurity Toroidal Rotation and Momentum Transport in Alcator C-Mod Plasmas
P3 Chakrabarti Finite beta effects on the excitation of GAMs by drift waves
P4 DeBoo Sensitivity of TEM and ITG Modes to Temperature and Density Gradient Scale Lengths and Collisionality
P5 Delgado-Aparicio Impurity transport studies in neutral beam heated spherical tokamak H-mode plasmas
P6 Hatch Nonlinear Excitation of Damped Eigenmodes in Microturbulence Simulations
P7 Hinton Nonrandom collision method for delta-f PIC simulations
P8 Houlberg The ITER Integrated Modelling Programme
P9 Kim, J-H. Electron transport analysis of a four-phase TCV H-mode
P10 Kritz Fusion Simulation Project
P11 Leboeuf Particle characterization of transport in global gyrokinetic calculations of core turbulence in tokamaks
P12 Lin, L. Turbulence Studies with the Phase Contrast Imaging in Alcator C-Mod
P13 Muller Fast-camera imaging on linear devices for the validation of numerical simulations
P14 Newman Characterization of transport dynamics in turbulent simulations in the presence of an externally imposed sheared flow
P15 Perez Two-fluid simulation of anisotropic Drift-Alfven turbulence
P16 Pletzer Core-edge-wall plasma transport simulations with FACETS
P17 Romanelli Turbulence suppression and transition phenomena in Tokamak plasmas
P18 Rowan Light Impurity Transport at an Internal Transport Barrier in Alcator C-Mod
P19 Samaddar Scaling of transport dynamics in a simple fluid drift-wave turbulence model with shear flow
P20 Staebler Extending the Trapped Gyro-Landau Fluid Transport Model
P21 Stotler Development of a Coupled Kinetic Plasma - Neutral Transport Code
P22 Tynan Testing Our Understanding of Nonlinear Drift Turbulence Dynamics Using Simple Laboratory Plasmas
P23 Vadlamani Implementation of Language Interoperability Interfaces for transport models as part of the FMCFM project
P24 Wang, Z. Pulse Propagation and Fast Transient Transport Phenomena Models with Electric Field Shear and Noise
P25 Canik SOLPS modeling of ELM-free and inter-ELM H-mode edge plasmas
P26 D'Ippolito Effect of intermittent transport on rf-specific impurities
P27 Dorris Localized Measurement of Short Wavelength Plasma Fluctuations With the DIII-D Phase Contrast Imaging Diagnostic
P28 Fasoli Fluctuations, turbulence and related transport in the TORPEX simple magnetized toroidal plasma
P29 Ghendrih (Gunn) Parallel flow and turbulence interplay in Tore Supra & TOKAM-3D modelling effort
P30 Gilmore Nonlinear Dynamics of Fluctuations in the Presence of Sheared Parallel and Perpendicular Flows in a Magnetized
P31 Guzdar Excitation of GAMs by coupling with electron drift and ITG modes
P32 Hassam 2D MHD simulations of fluctuations in MCX
P33 Hughes Modifications to H-mode pedestal structure via particle control and topology variation on Alcator C-Mod
P34 Kamberov Mehanism of plasma
P35 Ku Gyrokinetic study of electrostatic turbulence transport across magnetic separatrix
P36 Malkov Formation and Propagation of transport barriers in a coupled heat and particle flux model
P37 Marr Calculated HFS impurity density profiles on Alcator C-Mod via CXRS
P38 McKee Measurements of 2D Edge Turbulence Dynamics and Comparison with BOUT Simulations
P39 Park Numerical study of kinetic edge transport in the presence of resonant magnetic perturbations
P40 Rognlien Role of kinetic ion orbits in edge plasma flows for a single-null divertor tokamaks
P41 Rost Comparison of a Synthetic Phase Contrast Imaging Diagnostic With Experimental Measurements
P42 Smick Parallel and Perpendicular Plasma Flows in the Edge of Alcator C-Mod
P43 Stacey Theoretical and experimental heat diffusivities in the DIII-D edge plasma
P44 Strauss MHD Simulation of Resonant Magnetic Perturbations
P45 Tritz ELMs and Electron Transport in NSTX
P46 Umansky Effects of plasma collisionality on tokamak edge turbulence
P47 Xu, M. Experimental Study of Nonlinear Energy Transfer in Frequency Domain
P48 Yan The dynamics of the drift wave-zonal flow system
P49 Zakharov Where is the plasma edge in tokamaks?
P50 Halpern Comparison of GLF23 and Weiland Models for Turbulent-Driven Toroidal Momentum Transport
P51 Nishimura, S. On the Determination of Plasma Rotation from Neoclassical Viscosity in Toroidal Plasmas
Thursday, March 27, 2008
1:30 - 3:00 Core and Energetic Particle Oral presentations
P1 Neko Resonance Coherency, Transport Events and Spreading of CTEM Turbulence
P2 Sanchez Characterization of transport dynamics emergent from the self-consistent interaction between fluctuations and zonal
P3 del-castillo-Negrete Nonlocal models of perturbative transport
P4 Wang, L. Theory of fine-scale zonal flow generation
P5 Waltz Numerical Experiments on the Drift Wave-Zonal Flow Paradigm for Nonlinear Saturation
P6 Gatto A model of electron transport from self-consistent action-angle transport theory
P7 Hogeweij Paleoclassical Transport Explains Electron Transport Barriers in RTP and TEXTOR
P8 Gentle Mechanism of Turbulence Stabilization
P9 Sokolov & Sen A Basic Experiment on the Production and Identification of ETG Modes
P10 Smith Electron gyro-scale fluctuations in NSTX plasmas
P11 Sharapov Bifurcations of Magnetic Turbulence during L-H Transition and ITB Formation in JET Plasmas
P12 Fiore ITB Transport Studies in Alcator C-Mod
P13 Brower Parallel and Perpendicular Flows Associated with Stochastic Magnetic Field Driven Transport in MST
P14 Ernst Nonlinear Upshift of the TEM Critical Density Gradient and other TEM Developments
P15 Parker Zonal Flow and Zonal Density Saturation Mechanisms for Trapped Electron Mode Turbulence
P16 Xiao CTEM Turbulence and Transport Dynamics
P17 Nishimura, Y. GTC full torus electromagnetic gyrokinetic particle simulations with kinetic electrons
P18 Nevins Gyrokinetic simulations at finite beta
P19 Lin, S. GTC simulation of turbulence and transport in tokamak plasmas
P20 Dif-Pradalier A simplified collision operator for gyrokinetic simulations
P21 Candy Progress on TGYRO - The Steady-State Gyrokinetic Transport Code
P22 Holland Validation of Nonlinear Simulations of Core Tokamak Turbulence: Current Status and Future Directions
P23 Rewoldt Global gyrokinetic calculations for experimental cases
P24 Bateman Predictive Particle Transport Modeling Using the PTRANSP Code
P25 Kinsey Development and Validation of the Next Generation Trapped Gyro-Landau-Fluid Transport Model*
P26 Edlund Experimental study of reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes during ICRF minority heating and relationship to sawtooth crash phenomena in Alcator C-Mod
P27 Gorelenkov Properties of Reversed Shear Alfvén Eigenmodes in Ideal MHD
P28 Fu Energetic Particle-induced Geodesic Acoustic Mode
P29 Nazikian N=0 axisymmetric mode in DIII-D
P30 Darrow Neutral Beam Ion Loss During EPMs and RSAEs in NSTX Plasmas
P31 Fredrickson Toroidal Alfvén Eigenmode Avalanches
P32 Budny Predictions of fast ion parameters in ITER plasmas
P33 Deng Fast-Electron-Driven Instabilities in the HSX Stellarator
P34 Macor Fast particle triggered modes: experimental investigation of Electron Fishbones on TORE SUPRA
P35 Snipes Fast Electron Driven Alfvén Eigenmodes in the Current Rise
P36 Nguyen Theoretical and experimental study of the threshold for kinetic-MHD Beta Alfvén Eigenmode destabilization in Tore-Supra
P37 Zhang, Y. Observation of Doppler-Shifted Cyclotron Resonance of Fast Ions with Shear Alfvén Waves
P38 Carter Studies of nonlinear processes associated with Alfven and drift-Alfven waves
P39 Pratt Drift-Wave Eigenmodes and Spectral Gaps in Tandem Mirrors
P40 Lin, Z. Gyrokinetic simulation of energetic particle turbulence and transport
P41 Nishimura, Y. Gyrokinetic particle simulation of toroidicity induced Alfven eignmode
P42 Lang Gyrokinetic delta-f particle simulation of energetic particles driven modes
P43 Zhang, W. Turbulent Transport of Energetic Particles by Microturbulence
P44 Dannert Turbulent transport of beam ions
P45 Spong Energetic Particle Stability and Confinement Issues in 3D Configurations
P46 Chu, M. Gyrokinetic Simulation of Energetic Particle Driven TAE Modes
P47 Liu, D. Correlations of Signals of Neutral Particle Analyzer Diagnostics with Instability Bursts