3-5 October 2024
Melton Student Center
US/Central timezone

Invited Talks

The invited talk nominations will be collected using the registration form (Link).
The invited talk nominations is now closed.

The committee will start deliberations on August 1st, so please submit your invited talk abstracts before July 31st.
The committee started deliberations on August 1st. The results will be announced on this page and sent to the nominees by August 16th.
The committee invites the following speakers:
The invited talks in this year's workshop are:

  • Dr. Berkery, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
  • Mr. Rothstein, Princeton University
  • Dr. Boozer, Columbia University
  • Dr. Dudkovskaia, York Plasma Institute
  • Dr. Hurst, University of Wisconsin Madison
  • Ms. Myers, University of Wisconsin Madison
  • Dr. Sabbagh, Columbia University

Invited talks will be granted an uninterrupted 22 minutes of time. The planned agenda contains slots for 7 invited talks. Contributed talks will be granted an uninterrupted 14 minutes of time. Each session is planned to have one invited talk and three contributed talks, followed by a dedicated time of 26 minutes for the discussion.

The committee was encouraged to prefer the abstract not selected for the APS invited talk.

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