E1: Diagnostics

Charge Template

Recent Burning Plasma workshops focused on the plasma science that can be learned. In fact, the success and the legacy of a Burning Plasma Science Experiment resides in large part in the ability to properly measure the plasma properties, which will define the knowledge to be gotten from the undertaking. Is the present state-of-the-art in diagnostics and current progress in diagnostic development sufficient to support the studies of Burning Plasma Experiments? Are the plans for diagnostics tie in with a global road map, which would lead to a fusion reactor? Is there a global/national diagnostic development and integration that would lead to successful and productive experiment?


Specifically, in assessing the various proposals for BP experiments, such as ITER, FIRE and Ignitor, is there a proper balance between the physics requirements and the technology and scientific capability of the diagnostics? Consequently, does it appear from the plans for diagnostics that:

  1. they can support the mission of the experiment through providing necessary measurement capability?
  2. they are sufficiently flexible and redundant to optimize physics information and to allow an objective assertion of the device performance?
  3. they are scheduled for installation and commissioning in a timely fashion in order to support the physics program appropriately?
  4. there are areas of research and development necessary for achieving measurements of some key parameters?
  5. Are there opportunities for new measurements/techniques, and unique challenges for diagnostics?


In parallel, are the physics requirements for these experiments:

  1. sufficiently well defined for setting the measurement requirements and associated diagnostic techniques?
  2. consistent with measurement capability, including but not limited to sufficient resolution and coverage, and an ability to maintain proper calibration?
  3. consistent with the availability and survivability of these diagnostics in the environment expected in the various proposals?


Diagnostics assessment grid - 7 June 2002
DRAFT - Assessment of the diagnostic systems for the 3 options - 7 June 2002


Deliverables/schedule (draft):
Fall 2001:

January 2002:

December 2001 - January 2002:

January 2002 - February 2002:

March 2002:

April 2002:

July 2002 (HTPD-Wisconsin):


The resources for the BPSX experiments are

Participants (others are welcome and encouraged to join):

We strongly support the interaction with young scientists, either students or early in their career. Please, encourage them to participate.

Relevant documents

BPX (general)

  1. FESAC - Review of Burning Plasma Physics - Sep 2001
  2. BPS2 summary workshop / diagnostics - A. Costley, May 2001
  3. BPX diagnostics, requirements and issues - A. Costley, Varenna, Sep 2001
  4. Minutes of the 1st Meeting
    of the ITPA Topical Group on Diagnostics held in St. Petersburg, Russia from 14-16 November 2001
  5. Transport/ITB diagnostic requirements - Doyle, ITPA March 2002


  1. Plasma diagnostics for ITER-FEAT - K. Ebisawa et al, HTPD-2000, published in RSI
  2. Measurement Requirements and Diagnostic System Designs for ITER - FEAT A. J. H. Donné, Oct 2000
  3. ITER divertor diagnostics requirements discussion - R. Pitts, ITPA, Nov 2001
  4. ITER divertor diagnostics requirements discussion - G. Vayakis, ITPA, Nov 2001
  5. ITER diagnostics - A. Costley, EPS, Jun 2001
  6. ITER diagnostics status - A. Costley, ITPA, Nov 2001
  7. ITER diagnostics integration - C. Walker, ITPA, Nov 2001
  8. ITER plant description (FDR) diagnostics - 2001
  9. ITER diagnostic requirements update - ITPA, Nov 2001
  10. ITER research priorities - ITPA, Nov 2001
  11. ITER - diagnostic plans/update ITPA March 2002, A. Costley
  12. Justification for Meas. Requirements (ITER and FIRE) DRAFT - Young/Costley, Feb 2002


  1. FIRE Measurements Specifications - K. Young, Feb 2002
  2. FIRE diagnostics issues - K. Young, Wisconsin, Jul 2001
  3. FIRE diagnostics layout - K. Young, Jan 2002
  4. FIRE diagnostics - K. Young, Princeton Workshop, May 2000
  5. FIRE diagnostics - K. Young, ITPA, Nov 2001
  6. FIRE engineering report (DRAFT) diagnostics - K. Young, Jan 2002
  7. Paper FIRE Diagnostics SOFE conference - K. Young, Jan 2002
  8. Poster FIRE Diagnostics SOFE conference - K. Young, Jan 2002
  9. FIRE - diagnostic plans/assessment ITPA Mar 2002 - K. Young
  10. FIRE mission objectives - D. Meade, Mar 2002


  1. Ignitor diagnostic set description (1996)
  2. Ignitor - diagnostic plans ITPA - March 2002, F. Bombarda