Contact Info

The key contact people are detailed below (email addresses not added as this is a public website)

DIII-D Program Contacts:

Program Director: Mickey Wade 858-455-4165
Deputy Program Director: Dave Hill 858-455-3234
Assistant Program Director: Chuck Greenfield 858-455-3686
Experimental Science Director: Richard Buttery 858-455-3557
Experimental Science Deputy Director: Punit Gohil 858-455-4191
Operations: Arnie Kellman 858-455-4430
Theory and Computational Science: Phil Snyder 858-455-4088
Computer and Diagnostic Systems: Réjean Boivin 858-455-4736
DIII–D Experimental Coordinator: Max Fenstermacher 858-455-4159
LLNL Onsite Coordinator: Steve Allen 858-455-4137
ORNL Onsite Coordinator: Ezeikial Unterberg 858-455-4135
PPPL Onsite Coordinator: Raffi Nazikian 858-455-4164
UCLA Onsite Coordinator: Edward Doyle 858-455-3684
UCSD Onsite Coordinator: Rick Moyer 858-455-2275

DIII-D Physics Groups and Physics Area Contacts:

Task Force 1 - Disruption Mitigation Nick Eidietis 858-455-2459 
Burning Plasma Physics: Craig Petty 858-455-2831
Transport & Turbulence: George McKee 858-455-2437
L-H Threshold: Punit Gohil 858-455-4191
Rotation: John DeGrassie 858-455-2098
Energetic Particles: W. Heidbrink 949-824-5398
Dynamics and Control: Wayne Solomon 858-455-3547
Inductive Scenarios: Andrea Garofalo 858-455-2123
Steady State, Heating and Current Drive: Chris Holcomb 858-455-4170
3D and Stability Physics: Ted Strait 858-455-3889
Plasma Control: Dave Humphreys 858-455-2286
Disruption Characterization and Mitigation: Nic Eidietis 858-455-2459
Pedestal and ELM Pedestal Structure: Rich Groebner 858-455-3997
ELM Control: Raffi Nazikian 609-243-4164
Boundary and Plasma Materials Interaction Center (BPMIC): Houyang Guo 858-455-4103, Dan Thomas 858-455-2403
Divertor and SOL: Steve Allen 858-455-4137
Materials: Zeke Unterberg 858-455-4135
Torkil Jensen Award: David Hill 858-455-3234

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