
The following agenda should be used for general planning purposes only. Since this is partly a proposal-driven workshop, the time and duration of the various sessions will likely be adjusted as required by the area leaders.

All plenary sessions are held in 15-019. Remote access information can be found HERE.

GA room 15-019



Tues Feb 17 - Pedestal and ELM Physics - Room 15-019


Tuesday Morning
8:30 R. Groebner Goals of PedELM Strategic Plannng Meeting
Discussion on Long Term Goals (1-5 years)
Core/Pedestal Optimization
8:45 W. Solomon Core/pedestal optimization overview
9:00 D. Battaglia Hydrogen campaign for pedestal studies
9:05 T. Osborne Extend Enhanced Pedestal Operational Window
9:10 T. Osborne Higher Z Impurity Reduction with Li Injection
9:15 B. Grierson Intrinsic rotation studies
9:20 W. Solomon Discussion
Pedestal/Boundary Coupling/Optimization
9:30 A.W. Leonard Strategic Overview
9:45 W. Stacey Pedestal-Boundary Research Priorities
9:50 T. Osborne Reduced Divertor Heat Flux with BCM
9:55 A.W. Leonard Discussion
10:05 Break
Discussion on near term goals and priorities (FY15-FY16)
Pedestal Transport
10:15 J. Callen Pedestal transport and control
10:30 T. Osborne Effect of Impurity Charge on Pedestal Structure
10:35 J. Callen Discussion
Pedestal optimization (including EHO stability)
10:45 P. Snyder Strategic Overview
11:00 K. Burrell Rotation Effects on H-mode Pedestal in Stationary Shots Without ELMs
11:05 E. Kolemen Enhancing the pedestal performance via real-time feedback control
11:10 P. Snyder Discussion
ELM stability and control
11:20 T. Evans Integrated 3D Pedestal Stability and Confinement Control
11:30 ?. ???? Single Initiative Topic
11:35 T. Evans Discussion
Summary Wrap-up
11:45 R. Nazikian Wrap-up
12:00 Adjourn



Weds Feb 18 - Dynamics and Control - Room 15-019


Wednesday Morning
8:40 W. Solomon D&C Overall Goals
Dynamics and Control Overall Strategy
Steady State
9:00 C. Holcomb, J. Ferron Strategic Overview
9:30 J. Ferron Focus on n = 1 tearing mode
9:40 M. Murakami ITER steady-state
9:50 C. Holcomb, J. Ferron Discussion
Inductive Scenarios
10:10 A. Garofalo, T. Luce Strategic Overview
10:30 C. Paz-Soldan Rotation w/ units plus DND 3D Fields
10:40 P. Snyder Integration and Optimization at High Density
10:50 A. Garofalo, T. Luce Discussion
11:15 Break
Plasma Control
11:30 D. Humphreys Strategic Overview
11:45 ?. ?????? Control Single Initiative Topic
11:50 D. Humphreys Discussion
12:00 Lunch
3D and Stability Physics
13:00 T. Strait, R. LaHaye, J. Hanson Strategic Overview
13:30 J. Hanson Advanced RWM Feedback
13:40 C. Paz-Soldan Rotation w/ units plus DND 3D Fields
13:50 M. Okabayashi Developing Versatile Scheme for NTM-locking and Disruption Avoidance by Electromagnetic Torque Injection
14:00 T. Strait, R. LaHaye, J. Hanson Discussion
Disruption Mitigation TF
14:20 N. Eidietis Strategic Overview
14:40 N. Eidietis Discussion
Dynamics and Control Discussion
14:55 W. Solomon D&C Wrap-up
15:10 Adjourn



Thurs Feb 19 - Burning Plasma Physics - Room 15-019


Thursday Afternoon
1:00 C. Petty BPP Introduction
Transport Overall Strategy
1:15 G. McKee Strategies to Advance Turbulence and Transport Physics
1:30 K. Burrell Transport Work in Next Several Years Should Focus on Model Validation Over a Broad Front
1:35 D. Ernst Optimizing Transport for Conditions Relevant to Burning Plasmas
1:35 D. Ernst Designing a high fusion yield H-Mode core
1:40 J. deGrassie Rotation Initiative
1:45 L. Schmitz L-H Transition Key Research Topics
1:50 Xi Chen Measuring Electrostatic Fluctuations for Turbulence and Pedestal Instabilities
1:55 A. Marinoni I-mode plasmas as a tool to study basic turbulence and the H-mode transition
2:00 T. Rhodes Transport Key Research Topic
2:05 W. Stacey Transport Comment
2:10 B. Grierson Impurity and Momentum Transport
2:15 G. McKee Transport Barrier Formation and Control via Resonant Amplification of the Geodesic Acoustic Mode
2:20 G. McKee Transport Discussion
2:50 Break
Energetic Particles Overall Strategy
3:00 M. Van Zeeland EP Working Group Progress and Near Term Priorities
3:15 B. Geiger Fast-ion transport and NBCD in MHD quiescent plasmas
3:20 D. Pace Experimental Upgrades for Energetic Particle Physics
3:25 M. Garcia-Munoz Role of Plasma Response on Fast Ion Losses
3:30 M. Van Zeeland Energetic Particle Discussion
Heating & Current Drive Overall Strategy
4:10 R. Pinsker Heating & Current Drive Overall Priorities
4:30 R. Pinsker Heating & Current Drive Discussion
Burning Plasma Physics Discussion
4:50 C. Petty BPP Wrap Up
5:15 Adjourn
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