7-9 December 2010
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Upload FIle

Instructions for speakers who do not have DIII-D Internal Web Page Access


Presentation time limits

The time allocation for one presentation is 5 minutes. The total time allocation for 2 to 3 presentations by one person within one group is 10 minutes. The total time allocation for 4 or more presentations by one person within one group is 15 minutes.


File Upload instructions

  • Fill in the information below to upload your presentation files.These files will be used for projection during the meeting and will be available through links in the agenda for off-site participants.
    • Note that you do not need to be logged in to use this page. However, your file exchange will be placed

in a holding area until it can be checked prior to upload to the ROF database. This may significantly delay the upload. If you have an account and password for the DIII-D internal web pages please log in to avoid this delay.

      • Please note that we are only accepting .pdf files. You may only upload files in pdf format.
        • If all else fails, send me () the file and I will post it

This is important since the links in the agenda are already set up for these names.

  • Proposal presentations: It is absolutely ESSENTIAL that the file be in "pdf" format. Please name your file according to the naming convention nnn.pdf. Example: 123.pdf for proposal #123 or 045.pdf for proposal #45 (note the leading zero for proposal numbers below 100).
  • Overview presentations (e.g. group leader overview at the beginning of the meeting): name the file yourname.pdf. Example: Gohil.pdf
  • Summary presentations: Name your file yourname_summary.pdf. Example: Gohil_summary.pdf
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