7-9 December 2010
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Mailing List

Mailing lists have been set up for each of the six Physics Groups (including high priority working groups) and the two Task Forces

List name Physics Group Leader/List owner
SSI Steady-State Integration Tim Luce
INTMOD Integrated Modeling Ron Prater
ITERPHYS ITER Physics Ted Strait
PCO Plasma Control and Operations David Humphreys
FUSSCI Fusion Science Craig Petty
PBI Plasma Boundary Interfaces Tony Leonard
List name Task Force Leader/List owner
3DELM ELM Control: 3-D Field Induced Transport Mickey Wade or Raffi Nazikian
REDC Runaway Electron Dissipation and Control for ITER Eric Hollmann or Valerie Izzo

Additional groups have been added at the leaders' request:

List name High Priority Working Group Leader/List owner
FONBI Fully Non-Inductive Scenarios with Off-Axis Neutral Beam Injection WG Chris Holcomb
SDFI Scenario Development at Low Torque/Rotation for FNSF and ITER WG Wayne Solomon
PEDPHYS Pedestal Structure WG Rich Groebner or Phil Snyder
ALTELM Alternative Techniques for ELM Control WG Max Fenstermacher
OFNBIP Evaluation of Off-axis NBI Physics WG Mike Van Zeeland or JM Park
PSTIF Profile Stiffness and Critical Gradients WG Keith Burrell or Gary Staebler
  • To send to a list, email listname@fusion.gat.com (i.e. ssi@fusion.gat.com)
    • Only members can send to a list
      • Return address must match your subscribed address
      • Be careful if you use multiple addresses!
  • Join or remove yourself from a list by following the instructions here: https://diii-d.gat.com/diii-d/Computing/email-dist-list
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