16-18 December 2008
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Mailing List

Mailing lists will be set up for each of the six Physics Groups and three Task Forces: This is still under construction as is the remainder of this page

List name Physics Group Leader/List owner
SSI Steady-State Integration Tim Luce
INTMOD Integrated Modeling Ron Prater
ITERPHYS ITER Physics Ted Strait
PCO Plasma Control and Operations David Humphreys
FUSSCI Fusion Science Craig Petty
PBI Plasma Boundary Interfaces Tony Leonard
List name Task Force Leader/List owner
FASTSHUT Rapid Shutdown Schemes for ITER Eric Hollmann
3DFIELDS Physics of Non-Axisymmetric Fields in Support of ITER Holger Reimerdes
TMV Transport Model Validation Terry Rhodes or Chris Holland

Additional groups have been added at the leaders' request:

List name Group Leader/List owner
SSCURPROF Assess Steady State Current Profiles for Optimum Performance WG John Ferron or Chris Holcomb
PEDPHYS Pedestal Structure WG Rich Groebner or Phil Snyder
ELMCONTROL ELM Control for ITER WG Todd Evans or Rich Moyer
ITERstartup ITER Scenario Access, Startup and Ramp Down WG Gary Jackson or Tom Casper
ROTATION Rotation Physics WG Wayne Solomoon
FASTPART Energetic Particles WG Bill Heidbrink
FUELRET Hydrogen Retention WG Steve Allen
SOLTRANS Thermal Transport in the Plasma Boundary WG Charles Lasnier or Jose Boedo
  • To send to a list, email listname@fusion.gat.com (i.e. ssi@fusion.gat.com)
    • Only members can send to a list
      • Return address must match your subscribed address
      • Be careful if you use multiple addresses!
  • Join or remove yourself from a list at https://mail.gat.com
    • Anybody with a GA Fusion email address can log on - for user name give your Email name (ie. the part of your Email address before the @fusion.gat.com), for the p[[assword give your fusion.gat.com E-mail account password (ie. not your DIII-D internal web pages password, nor your passwords to the mainframes)
      • However, this website can only be reached from within the GA network or via VPN. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and are searching for a long-term solution to these inconveniences.
      • Go to "Public email lists" and check/uncheck lists as needed
    • Participants with no GA Fusion email will need to make requests to list owners
  • Lists have been formed with no members
    • Owners will need to log on and populate their own lists
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