16-18 December 2008
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Task forces and working groups

Topical Organization of the ROF Process

Updated 11:46, 24 June 2009 (PDT) by C. Greenfield

Information on the structure of the Task Forces, High Priority Working Groups and other working groups with the physics management areas for the 2009-10 run campaigns is posted below.

The memo outlining the High Priority Research Topics for the 2009-10 run campaigns can be found here.

The memo specifying the Leadership of the High Priority Research Topics Groups for the 2009-10 run campaigns can be found here. This memo includes contact information (E-mail and phone) for each of the leaders and deputies.


2010 Campaign

The diagram below gives a “flow chart” representation of the organizational structure of the 2010 experimental campaign. This represents the changes implemented between the 2009 and 2010 campaigns. The "flow chart" used for the 2009 campaign is given further below for reference


Exp-org 2009 v10org.png


2009 Campaign

The diagram below gives a “flow chart” representation of how the 2009 DIII-D ROF process worked its way from the hundreds of submitted proposals to the run plan proposals that were presented to the Research Council on Jan 21 and 22, 2009.


Exp-org 2009 v7.png

For the purpose of organizing the discussions during the post-ROF breakout sessions (Jan 5 – 16, 2009), the ROF proposals were collected in 32 bins corresponding to the red (Torkil Jensen Award), yellow (High Priority Research Topics – TF or WG) and blue (Physics Area working groups) as shown below. The memo from Mickey Wade describing the leadership of the High Priority Topical Groups (TFs and WGs) is given here. This memo also gives contact information (E-mail and phone) for each of the group leaders.

Prioritized run plan proposals were presented to the RC by the 6 Physics Managers (T. Luce, R. Prater, T. Strait, D. Humphreys, C. Petty, and T. Leonard) plus the 3 Task Force Leaders (E. Hollmann, T. Rhodes, H. Reimerdes). These 9 leaders were responsible for the condensation and prioritization processes for the proposals submitted in their physics areas or within their Task Forces.

Run time has been allocated to the 3 Task Forces and the 6 Physics Areas by the DIII-D Director (Tony Taylor) in consultation with the Deputy Director and RC Chair (Dave Hill) and the Experimental Sciences Director (Mickey Wade). The run time allocation is described in this memo.

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