16-18 December 2008
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Breakout Sessions

Break-out sessions to formulate experimental run plan proposals will occur during the first 2 weeks of January 2009 following the ROF. Details of the schedule for the breakout sessions are posted below including contact information for the leaders of each session.

NEW To facilitate the breakout meetings, a web page has been created for posting of material to be shown in the breakout sessions. This page is accessible globally so material requiring DIII-D management review should not be posted to this site. To view material for a breakout session or to post your file for a session click HERE and download or upload the files.

NEW TF and WG Leaders: NOTE - if you want to project electronic files, you will either need to bring your own laptop or stop by my office and check out a small MAC laptop on loan from the computer group. DON'T FORGET YOUR DVI ADAPTOR to mate to the SVGA plug on the projector. There is no overhead projector in 15-018 - ie. no viewgraph capability.

Break-out sessions will be held in room 15-018 at GA unless noted otherwise. Remote participation will be available - see instructions at Remote participation

Monday 5-Jan
10am Disruption Characterization I (John Wesley or wesley@fusion.gat.com)

Tuesday 6-Jan
10am ITER Demo Discharges (Edward Doyle or doyle@fusion.gat.com)
1:15pm Core-Edge Integration (Tom Petrie or petrie@fusion.gat.com)
2:20pm Snowflake Divertor proposal (Tom Petrie or petrie@fusion.gat.com)
2:40 Fuel Retention I (Steve Allen or allens@fusion.gat.com)

Wednesday 7-Jan
8am ELM Control for ITER I (Todd Evans or evans@fusion.gat.com)
10am General Plasma Control & Operations (Dave Humphreys or humphreys@fusion.gat.com)
1:30 (15-224) Heat Flux (Charlie Lasnier or lasnier@fusion.gat.com)
3:30pm Fusion Science: Stability (Rob LaHaye or lahaye@fusion.gat.com)
4pm Fusion Science: Energetic Particles (Bill Heidbrink or heidbrink@fusion.gat.com)

Thursday 8-Jan
9am ITER Scenario Access, Startup, Rampdown I (Gary Jackson or jackson@fusion.gat.com)
10am Integrated Model Based Control I (Mike Walker or walker@fusion.gat.com)
10am (13-215) Physics of Non-Axisymmetric Fields in Support of ITER I (Holger Reimerdes or reimerdes@fusion.gat.com)
2pm Hydrogen and Helium Plasmas I (Punit Gohil or gohil@fusion.gat.com)
4pm Fusion Science: Heating & Current Drive (Ron Prater or prater@fusion.gat.com)

Friday 9-Jan
8am NTM Stabilization (Rob LaHaye or lahaye@fusion.gat.com)
10am Transport Model Validation I (Terry Rhodes or rhodes@fusion.gat.com)
10am (13-301) Runaway Electrons in Disruption Characterization (Tom Jernigan or jernigan@fusion.gat.com)
2pm General Plasma Boundary Interfaces (Tony Leonard or leonard@fusion.gat.com)

Monday 12-Jan
8am ELM Control for ITER II (Todd Evans or evans@fusion.gat.com)
10am Fusion Science: Rotation Physics (Wayne Solomon or solomon@fusion.gat.com)
1pm Core integration – advanced inductive (Pete Politzer or politzer@fusion.gat.com)
2pm (13-215) Fuel Retention II (Steve Allen or allens@fusion.gat.com)

Tuesday 13-Jan
8am (13-215) Core integration – steady state (John Ferron or ferron@fusion.gat.com)
10am Physics of Non-Axisymmetric Fields in Support of ITER II (Holger Reimerdes or reimerdes@fusion.gat.com)
Noon Disruption Characterization II (John Wesley or wesley@fusion.gat.com)
3pm ITER Demo Discharges II (Edward Doyle or doyle@fusion.gat.com)

Wednesday 14-Jan
8am RWM Physics (Michio Okabayashi or okabayashi@fusion.gat.com)
10am General Plasma Control & Operations II (Dave Humphreys or humphreys@fusion.gat.com)
2pm (13-215) Plasma Boundary Interfaces Physics Area Wrapup/Summary (Tony Leonard or leonard@fusion.gat.com)
3:30pm General ITER Physics (Ted Strait or strait@fusion.gat.com)

Thursday 15-Jan
8am ITER Scenario Access, Startup, Rampdown II (Gary Jackson or jackson@fusion.gat.com)
10am Integrated Model Based Control II (Mike Walker or walker@fusion.gat.com)
10am (13-215) Heat Flux (Charlie Lasnier or lasnier@fusion.gat.com)
2pm Integrated Modeling - Pedestal Structure (Rich Groebner or groebner@fusion.gat.com)
2:30pm (13-215) Rapid shutdown for ITER (Eric Hollmann or ehollmann@ucsd.edu)
4pm Fusion Science: Transport (George McKee or mckee@fusion.gat.com)

Friday 16-Jan
8am Hydrogen and Helium Plasmas II (Punit Gohil or gohil@fusion.gat.com)
8:30am (13-215) ELM Control for ITER III (Todd Evans or evans@fusion.gat.com)
10am (15-019) Friday Science Meeting (Tim Luce or luce@fusion.gat.com)
2:30pm Transport Model Validation II (Terry Rhodes or rhodes@fusion.gat.com)

Monday 19-Jan Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
10am Transport Model Validation III CANCELLED-NOT NEEDED (Terry Rhodes or rhodes@fusion.gat.com)
10am (13-215) Physics of Non-Axisymmetric Fields in Support of ITER III CANCELLED-NOT NEEDED (Holger Reimerdes or reimerdes@fusion.gat.com)

Tuesday 20-Jan Inauguration Day
9am (15-019) ITER Physics Research Area Wrapup (Ted Strait or strait@fusion.gat.com)

Wednesday 21-Jan
8:30am-Noon (07-120) RC Meeting Presentations I - RC Members (Dave Hill or hill@fusion.gat.com)

Thursday 22-Jan
8:30am-Noon (07-120) RC Meeting Presentations II - RC Members (Dave Hill or hill@fusion.gat.com)

Friday-Mon 23-26 Jan
Run Time Recommendations by RC Members to Hill / Wade / Greenfield (Dave Hill or hill@fusion.gat.com)

Tues-Weds 27-28 Jan
Run Time Recommendations by Hill / Wade / Greenfield to Taylor (Dave Hill or hill@fusion.gat.com)

Monday 2-Feb
Target Date for Run Time Allocation (Tony Taylor or Taylor@fusion.gat.com)

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