1-2 December 2016
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Upload presentation

Information for Presenters

At this time, speakers should plan presentations of approximately 10 minutes. This may be adjusted depending on the number of requests to speak at the workshop. A final agenda with time slots will be posted on Wednesday November 30.


Instructions for Upload

  • Click the link below to upload your presentation file. These files will be used for projection during the meeting and will be available through links in the agenda for off-site participants.

This is important since the links in the agenda are already set up for these names.

  • Proposal presentations: It is absolutely ESSENTIAL that the file be in "pdf" format. Please name your file according to the naming convention <Surname><nnn>.pdf. Example: Solomon123.pdf for proposal #123 or Solomon045.pdf for proposal #45 (note the leading zero for proposal numbers below 100).
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