1-2 December 2016
America/Los_Angeles timezone

Workshop Agenda

Thursday, December 1

Time Title Presenter Duration (min)
08:45 Introduction Hill 15
09:00 #145: DIII-D To Meet Critical Research Needs in the Path to Fusion Energy Buttery  
09:10 - 10:55 STEADY-STATE
09:10 #160: Conceptual overview of steady-state research plan in the next five year phase Ferron 10
09:20 #159: Tearing mode stable access to betaN required for fully noninductive operation through improved ideal-wall stability margin Ferron 5
09:25 #149: Maintain and improve basics diagnostics for high-power and high-current scenarios Turco 10
09:35 #151: Add a diagnostic beam to DIII-D Turco 5
09:40 #167: Integration of Steady-State Core with High-Density Edge Petty 10
09:50 #214: Steady-State Hybrids Petty 5
09:55 #150: Super H-mode development path for steady state research on DIII-D Nazikian 10
10:05 #163: High betaP Advance Tokamak Staebler 10
10:15 #195: Decouple high performance and steady-state program goals Hanson 10
10:25 Discussion Holcomb 30
10:55 - 11:15 BREAK
11:15 - 12:15 DIVERTOR (I)
11:15 #187: A Flexible Divertor Testbed for Shaping/Closure Covele 10
11:25 #190: PF Coil Upgrade for Super X-Divertors with No Internal Coils Covele 5
11:30 #216: Diagnostics in small places McLean 10
11:40 #219: EUV spectroscopy for high triangularity McLean 5
11:45 #200: Discussion on the Role of DIII-D in Solving the Heat Flux Challenge Jarvinen 10
11:55 #203: Discussion of a strategy toward validation of scrape-off layer physics models Groth 10
12:05 Discussion All 10
12:15 - 01:15 LUNCH
01:15 - 02:20 DIVERTOR (II)
01:15 #153: New Approach to Detachment Scaling and Implications for Advanced Operating Regimes Goldston 15
01:30 #156: Impurity-Assisted Advanced Divertor Solutions Bortolon 10
01:40 #179: Main-ion plasma and neutral properties in the DIII-D boundary and divertor for SOL transport, PMI and fueling Haskey 10
01:50 #199: Active surface temperature control in a high-Z DIII-D advanced divertor Abrams 10
02:00 Discussion Guo 20
02:20 - 02:40 BREAK
02:40 #223: Improving Divertor Heat Flux Reduction in High Power, High Performance Plasmas by Reconfiguring Gas Injection Petrie 10
02:50 #165: Establishing Link Between Neutral Dynamics and Core/Edge Coupling Shafer 10
03:00 #192: Resolve Core-Edge Coupling Issues for Reactor Scenarios Leonard 10
03:10 #196: Science-Driven Integration of High Performance Core and Edge Snyder 10
03:20 #174: Imaging MSE Victor 10
03:30 #218: Explore the plasma space with Thomson scattering McLean 10
03:40 #208: Ti Div measurements using collective Thomson scattering Carlstrom 10
03:50 #210: Scanning 2D divertor Thomson measurements Carlstrom 5
03:55 Discussion Leonard 30
04:25 - 05:35 TRANSIENTS (ELMs)
04:25 #162: Individual fully programmable power supplies for each of the IC-coil loops Evans 10
04:35 #164: Optimization of High Performance Transport Regulated Pedestals Wilks 10
04:45 #166: ELM control at low torque Chen 10
04:55 #177: Future of 3D Fields Logan 10
05:05 Discussion Nazikian 15
05:20 Close

Friday, December 2

Time Title Presenter Duration (min)
08:30 #157: Laser Inverse Compton Scattering to study Runaway Electrons during Disruptions in DIII-D Wurden 10
08:40 #161: Developing robust disruption mitigation methods after ITER DMS design Eidietis 10
08:50 #204: Establishing the Physics Basis for Stable, Sustained Tokamak Operation Strait 10
09:00 Discussion Strait 15
09:15 #170: Neutral Beam Development Facility/High Heat Flux Materials Test Facility Crowley 10
09:25 #185: Demonstrate Helicon as a DEMO relevant technique for off-axis current drive Garofalo 10
09:35 #197: Implementation of High-Power Helicon Pinsker 10
09:45 #207: High Field Side Lower Hybrid Current Drive: Potential Efficient Current Drive Compatible with Reactor Environment Wukitch 10
09:55 #169: Dedicated EC diagnostics Chen 10
10:05 #189: Understand Interaction of RF with Edge Density Fluctuations Brookman 10
10:15 Discussion Pinsker 25
10:40 - 11:00 BREAK
11:00 - 12:25 FAST IONS
11:00 #198: EP Goals: Validation & Control Heidbrink 10
11:10 #172: Feasible "𝛂-Channelling" experiments in DIII-D tokamak Du 10
11:20 #182: Fast-ion absorption of 30 MHz fast-wave power at 1 T and 2 T Perkins 10
11:30 #184: 30 MHz ICRF heating for DIII-D Pinsker 10
11:40 #188: Antennas for instability control & physics validation Collins 10
11:50 #193: Energetic Particle Physics Diagnostic Suite to Support Validation and Control Applications Van Zeeland 10
12:00 Discussion Heidbrink 25
12:25 - 01:25 LUNCH
01:25 - 03:00 TRANSPORT
01:25 #154: Vision for the Future of Integrated Modeling: Rapid Pre/Post-Diction and Discharge Optimization Grierson 10
01:35 #191: Understanding Multi-Channel, Multi-Scale Transport and Its Impact on the Prediction of Reactor Scenarios Howard 10
01:45 #205: Prediction and control of rotation with low NBI torque Chrystal 10
01:55 #212: Controlling Transport, Raising the Pedestal, and Optimizing Confinement in Advanced Scenarios McKee 10
02:05 #213: Turbulence data off the outside midplane to address poloidal asymmetries Schmitz 10
02:15 #215: Improved H-mode access for burning plasma experiments Schmitz 5
02:20 #220: new diagnostic initiatives Rhodes 10
02:30 #221: strategic goals Rhodes 5
02:35 Discussion McKee 25
03:00 - 03:20 BREAK
03:20 - 04:05 MATERIALS
03:20 #158: Change Plasma Facing Material Away from Carbon: A Mixed-Material ‘ITER-like’ Non-Be PFM Unterberg 10
03:30 #175: Towards a reactor-relevant plasma/materials solution in DIII-D advanced divertors Abrams 10
03:40 #206: Main chamber PMI study station Rudakov 10
03:50 Discussion Unterberg 15
04:05 #211: Research and capabilities needed to support successful ITER operation Greenfield 10
04:30 Close
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