FESAC Toroidal Alternates Panel Final Report
The Toroidal Alternates Panel has completed its study of the Toroidal Alternates Program and presented its report to FESAC on November 6, 2008. Four concepts were investigated: the Stellarator, the Spherical Torus (ST), the Reversed-field Pinch (RFP), and the Compact Torus (the Field-reversed Configuration, or FRC, and the Spheromak). Viewgraphs from this presentation are available here, as is the full text of the report.
The panel wishes to thank the fusion community for providing timely and comprehensive input to the panel during this process. The enthusiasm and expertise of the scientists working on alternate concepts is clear. We appreciate the patience of the community in helping the panel understand the scientific and technical issues for these concepts.
As a result of its investigation, the Toroidal Alternates Panel found that the overall quality of the science in toroidal alternates research is excellent, with broad benefit to the U.S. fusion program and to general plasma sciences including applications to other disciplines. The work is strongly focused on developing scientific understanding as the path forward to achieving ITER-era goals.
David N. Hill
for the Toroidal Alternates Panel