Dylan Brennan (PPPL) Control of resistive wall modes with tearing layers, rotation, and finite beta in full MHD
Chiara Piron (RFX) Coupling of externally applied 3D fields with internal MHD, with focus on sawteeth and their control
Valentin Igochine (IPP) Identification and possible extension of the beta limit in ASDEX Upgrade
Zhirui Wang (PPPL) Drift kinetic effects on 3D plasma response in high beta NSTX and DIII-D plasmas
Josef Kamleitner (EPFL/CRPP) Suprathermal electron dynamics and MHD instabilities in a tokamak
Gerrit Kramer (PPPL) Fast ion transport and modification of Alfven activity in NSTX using 3D field
Junya Shiraishi (JAEA) Extension of kinetic-MHD model to include toroidal rotation shear effect and its application to stability analysis of resistive wall modes
Nik Logan (PPPL) Neoclassical toroidal viscosity in perturbed equilibria with general tokamak geometry
Ian Chapman (EURATOM/CCFE) 3D plasma boundary displacements and interaction with position control
Edward Strait (GA) Validation of 3D plasma response models
Akio Sanpei (Kyoto) Properties of the equilibrium and the eddy current distribution in the vacuum vessel in a low-aspect-ratio RFP RELAX
David Ennis (AU) Passive stabilization of MHD instability using stellarator rotational transform on CTH
Satoshi Ohdachi (NIFS) MHD instabilities and its suppression by the RMP in the Large Helical Device
Special Session on "Using internal coils for MHD control":
Dmitri Orlov (UCSD) DIII-D: Internal and Centerpost Coils
Go Matsunaga (JAEA) JT-60SA: Plans for internal coils