A compact neutron spectrometer, based on a CH foil for production of recoil protons and CR-39 detection, is being developed for measurements of DD-neutron spectra at Z. To accurately measure the DD ion temperature (Tion) of ~2 keV, the spectrometer must have an energy resolution (FWHM) of ~120 keV. Spectral broadening is primarily dominated by the finite thickness of the converter foil and track-diameter variations in the CR-39. To infer an areal density (ρR) background levels from neutron induced tracks need to be sufficiently low to measure the down scattered DD neutrons. This is done through a combination of shielding and the Coincidence Counting Technique (CCT) [1]. The spectrum itself is inferred from the track diameter distribution measured on the CR-39 detector. To this end, a novel analysis technique has been developed for determining the energy-diameter relationship required to recover the spectrum. Initial data from a crude prototype spectrometer has been collected from a few MagLIF shots at the Z facility. This work is supported by Sandia under DOE contract DE-NA0003525.
1) D. T. Casey et al. RSI 82, 073502 (2011)