15-19 April 2018
Paradise Point Resort & Spa
America/Los_Angeles timezone

8.34 Characterization of Biermann-Battery field advection in NIF cylindrical geometry targets

17 Apr 2018, 16:00
1d 2h
Paradise Point Resort & Spa

Paradise Point Resort & Spa

1404 Vacation Rd, San Diego, CA 92109


Bradley Pollock (LLNL) Alastair Moore (LLNL) Nathan Meezan (LLNL) Jave Kane (LLNL) David Strozzi (LLNL) Scott Wilks (LLNL) Darwin Ho (LLNL) Grant Logan (LLNL) William Farmer (LLNL) Mordecai Rosen (LLNL) Mark Herrmann (LLNL) John Moody (LLNL)


Lasers incident on solid targets produce B-fields around the laser spot due to orthogonal ne and Te gradients that develop near the target surface[1]. Simulations show that these fields are produced in hohlraum experiments at the NIF[2], and that the presence of B-fields can affect particle and energy transport. Little work exists comparing simulated fields predicted by MHD models to data at scales relevant for NIF hohlraum experiments (~10 ns, ~few mm)[3]. In particular, the relative contributions of frozen-in and Nernst advection of the field away from the hohlraum wall is not well understood. We have developed a new target platform for measuring B-field topology in a NIF-relevant geometry. Using NIF outer cones, a 2.5 mm long, 5.4 mm diameter Au ring is illuminated with a similar beam pattern to that of a ring of beams in a hohlraum. This provides a clear line of sight for probing through the ring by protons from an imploded D3He-filled capsule 2.5 cm below the ring. Proton deflection is recorded on CR39, allowing estimates of E- and B-field strength and topology in the target and contributions from different advection mechanisms. This work performed under auspices of US DOE by LLNL under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344 with LDRD support.
[1] Stamper PRL
[2] Farmer PoP
[3] Li Science

Primary author

Bradley Pollock (LLNL)


Alastair Moore (LLNL) Nathan Meezan (LLNL) Jave Kane (LLNL) David Strozzi (LLNL) Scott Wilks (LLNL) Darwin Ho (LLNL) Grant Logan (LLNL) William Farmer (LLNL) Mordecai Rosen (LLNL) Mark Herrmann (LLNL) John Moody (LLNL)

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