15-19 April 2018
Paradise Point Resort & Spa
America/Los_Angeles timezone

8.28 Multi-dimensional reconstruction of spatial profiles of plasma conditions in laser-driven ICF implosions

17 Apr 2018, 16:00
1d 2h
Paradise Point Resort & Spa

Paradise Point Resort & Spa

1404 Vacation Rd, San Diego, CA 92109


Tirtha Raj Joshi (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Peter Hakel (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Scott C. Hsu (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Nelson M. Hoffman (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


We present multi-dimensional reconstruction of spatial profiles of plasma conditions by analyzing spectrally resolved x-ray image data obtained from OMEGA direct-drive ICF implosions. The targets were spherical plastic shells filled with varying D2-Ar relative and total gas pressures, similar to previous recent experiments [1]. Argon K-shell spectral features were observed primarily between the time of first-shock convergence and slightly before neutron bang time, using a time- and space-integrated spectrometer, streaked crystal spectrometer, and up to three gated multi-monochromatic x-ray imagers (MMI) fielded along quasi-orthogonal lines of sight. The spectrally resolved MMI data were processed to obtain spatially resolved spectra. A non-LTE Ar theoretical spectral database was computed via the Los Alamos Suite of Atomic Codes and used in conjunction with a spectroscopic-quality radiation-transport model. A multi-objective optimization technique [2] is used to extract 3D spatial profiles of plasma conditions (ne, Te, nD, and nAr) in the core. A synthetic-data case is also presented to verify the accuracy of the multi-objective optimization technique.
[1] S. C. Hsu et al., EPL 115, 65001 (2016).
[2] T. Nagayama et al., Phys. Plasmas 19, 082705 (2012). LA-UR-18-20222.

Primary author

Tirtha Raj Joshi (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


Peter Hakel (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Scott C. Hsu (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Nelson M. Hoffman (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

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