15-19 April 2018
Paradise Point Resort & Spa
America/Los_Angeles timezone

8.7 Time-Resolved and Multiple-Angle Thomson Scattering on Gas Puff Z-Pinch Plasmas

17 Apr 2018, 16:00
1d 2h
Paradise Point Resort & Spa

Paradise Point Resort & Spa

1404 Vacation Rd, San Diego, CA 92109


Sophia Rocco (Cornell University) Jacob Banasek (Cornell University) William Potter (Cornell University) David Hammer (Cornell University)


The conditions and dynamics of neon gas puff z-pinch plasmas at pinch time are studied on COBRA, Cornell’s pulsed power generator (current rise time of ~240 ns and ~0.9 MA peak current). A 526.5 nm, 10 J Thomson scattering diagnostic laser enables probing of the plasma conditions of these implosions with both spatial and temporal resolution. The use of two laser pulses--both 3 ns in duration--that can be separated by up to 10 ns allows observation of time-resolved spectra for a total consecutive time of 6 ns. This setup, at 90° to the laser with a field of view of 0.4 mm on-axis, provides sub-nanosecond resolution of pinch evolution through stagnation. Two additional time-gated collection optics, one at 90° to the laser path and one at 30°, probe a 4 mm field of view across the axis. Based on whether the collection angle (and therefore the k vector) is large or small, the spectral feature dependence on the electron density is, respectively, more or less sensitive to variations in density [1]. By comparing the spectra from two angles, it is possible to ascertain an approximate electron density from the ion acoustic feature.
[1] D. Foula et al., PRL 95, 195005 (2005).
*Work supported by NNSA SSAP under DOE Cooperative Agreement No. DE-NA0001836 and LLNL subcontract no. B619181.

Primary author

Sophia Rocco (Cornell University)


Jacob Banasek (Cornell University) William Potter (Cornell University) David Hammer (Cornell University)

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