A supersonic gas-jet target platform has been activated on the OMEGA laser. The plasma formed using a gas-jet target and ~3 kJ of UV energy from the OMEGA Laser System was characterized using 2ω Thomson scattering. Thomson scattering provided accurate time-resolved measurements of plasma conditions including electron density, plasma temperature, and ionization state. Plasma conditions include electron temperatures in the 0.5-keV to 1-keV range and electron densities between 1 × 10^19cm^3 and 9 × 10^19cm^3 in a nitrogen plasma. The measurements made using Thomson scattering are then compared with the results of the radiation–hydrodynamics code HYDRA. These initial measurements demonstrate the capabilities of the OMEGA gas-jet as a platform for future laser–plasma interaction science. This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration under Award Number DE-NA0001944.