15-19 April 2018
Paradise Point Resort & Spa
America/Los_Angeles timezone

12.33 Plasma Imaging using High-Speed Solid-State Framing Cameras

18 Apr 2018, 20:30
2h 1m
Paradise Point Resort & Spa

Paradise Point Resort & Spa

1404 Vacation Rd, San Diego, CA 92109


John Porter (Sandia National Laboratories) Mark Kimmel (Sandia National Laboratories) Quinn Looker (Sandia National Laboratories) Shane Speas (Sandia National Laboratories) John Stahoviak (Sandia National Laboratories) Matthias Geissel (Sandia National Laboratories) Adam Harvey-Thompson (Sandia National Laboratories) Patrick Rambo (Sandia National Laboratories) Jens Schwarz (Sandia National Laboratories) Ian Smith (Sandia National Laboratories) Liam Claus (Sandia National Laboratories) Troy England (Sandia National Laboratories) Lu Fang (Sandia National Laboratories) Jeff Kellogg (Sandia National Laboratories) Brandon Mitchell (Sandia National Laboratories) Andrew Montoya (Sandia National Laboratories) Gideon Robertson (Sandia National Laboratories) Greg Rochau (Sandia National Laboratories) Marco Sanchez (Sandia National Laboratories) Jared Hund (Belcan) Justin Sin (Belcan) Sean Lewis (Center for High Energy Density Science) Roger Bengtson (Center for High Energy Density Science)


We have begun using a new generation of compact and high-speed hybrid-CMOS digital framing cameras to make time-resolved measurements of the laser heating phase of Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) experiments. In the MagLIF target concept, a preheated, magnetized, deuterium-filled Be cylinder is compressed using magnetic direct drive from high-current pulsed power devices such as Sandia’s Z-machine. In the experiments reported here, we use the multi-kJ Z-Beamlet laser to heat an underdense gas-cell target. We employ multiple soft x-ray pinhole cameras with axial and side-on lines-of-sight to measure the absolute soft x-ray emission distribution with up to 8 temporally separated images per experiment for each pinhole camera. We also use an 8-frame optical shadowgraphy diagnostic to measure the evolution of the expanding blast wave driven by the laser-heated plasma channel. This combination of x-ray and optical measurements enables us to determine the axial energy and radial temperature distributions for a variety of gas-cell target and laser illumination configurations. Sandia is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by NTESS LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell Int, Inc, for the U.S. DOE’s NNSA under contract DE-NA0003525.

Primary author

John Porter (Sandia National Laboratories)


Mark Kimmel (Sandia National Laboratories) Quinn Looker (Sandia National Laboratories) Shane Speas (Sandia National Laboratories) John Stahoviak (Sandia National Laboratories) Matthias Geissel (Sandia National Laboratories) Adam Harvey-Thompson (Sandia National Laboratories) Patrick Rambo (Sandia National Laboratories) Jens Schwarz (Sandia National Laboratories) Ian Smith (Sandia National Laboratories) Liam Claus (Sandia National Laboratories) Troy England (Sandia National Laboratories) Lu Fang (Sandia National Laboratories) Jeff Kellogg (Sandia National Laboratories) Brandon Mitchell (Sandia National Laboratories) Andrew Montoya (Sandia National Laboratories) Gideon Robertson (Sandia National Laboratories) Greg Rochau (Sandia National Laboratories) Marco Sanchez (Sandia National Laboratories) Jared Hund (Belcan) Justin Sin (Belcan) Sean Lewis (Center for High Energy Density Science) Roger Bengtson (Center for High Energy Density Science)

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