15-19 April 2018
Paradise Point Resort & Spa
America/Los_Angeles timezone

12.29 Improved Ablator Areal Density Analysis by Investigating Background Gamma-Ray Signal

18 Apr 2018, 20:30
2h 1m
Paradise Point Resort & Spa

Paradise Point Resort & Spa

1404 Vacation Rd, San Diego, CA 92109


Yongho Kim (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Kevin Meaney (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Hans Herrmann (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Nels Hoffman (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Hermann Geppert-Kleinrath (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Jorge Carrera (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)


Since the beginning of National Ignition Campaign, Gamma Reaction History (GRH) detector at the National Ignition Facility has been providing a fusion bang time, a burn width, as well as the areal density of the compressed carbon-based ablator. The emission of 12C(n, n’) gamma rays from the carbon-based ablator is proportional to the ablator areal density. The gamma-ray based areal density measurement is unique because the gamma-ray emission is spatially isotropic, providing a shell-averaged areal density. A carbon-ablator areal density already helped to constrain a diagnostic simulation model for National Ignition Campaign. However, the current GRH-based carbon areal density measurement has a large uncertainty due to being convolved with both the carbon gammas and background gammas induced from the hohlraum and its thermo-mechanical package. By comparing campaigns that have non-carbon ablators, such as the Beryllium campaign, we can qualify the background gamma signal and validate our background subtraction model. We will apply the improved carbon-ablator areal density analysis to implosion campaigns including High-Foot, High-Density-Carbon and will compare implosion characteristics such as mic, between carbon-based capsule implosions.

Primary author

Yongho Kim (Los Alamos National Laboratory)


Kevin Meaney (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Hans Herrmann (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Nels Hoffman (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Hermann Geppert-Kleinrath (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Jorge Carrera (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

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