15-19 April 2018
Paradise Point Resort & Spa
America/Los_Angeles timezone

12.17 Bremsstrahlung x-ray source generation for high-Z radiography applications on the National Ignition Facility

18 Apr 2018, 20:30
2h 1m
Paradise Point Resort & Spa

Paradise Point Resort & Spa

1404 Vacation Rd, San Diego, CA 92109


Channing Huntington (Lawrence Livermore National Lab) Jim McNaney (Lawrence Livermore National Lab) Edward Gumbrell (AWE) Andrew Krygier (Lawrence Livermore National Lab) Hye-Sook Park (Lawrence Livermore National Lab)


In order to perform x-ray radiography measurements of high-opacity samples on the National Ignition Facility, we have developed a slit-projection x-ray source that is optimized to produce Bremsstrahlung x-ray emission. Unlike x-ray sources that generate characteristic atomic transition (often the 1s2 − 1s2p transition in ionized He-like atoms), but are generally limited to <30 keV x-rays (from solid targets), the design presented here optimizes for intense, broadband Bremsstrahlung radiation with energy greater than 30 keV. We present the spatial resolution of this source in a slit-projection configuration, as well as the relative intensity and effective electron temperature for a range of laser conditions. This source permits x-ray radiography through exceedingly high opacity experiments where traditional x-ray sources would be nearly completely attenuated and ineffectual.

Primary author

Channing Huntington (Lawrence Livermore National Lab)


Jim McNaney (Lawrence Livermore National Lab) Edward Gumbrell (AWE) Andrew Krygier (Lawrence Livermore National Lab) Hye-Sook Park (Lawrence Livermore National Lab)

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