15-19 April 2018
Paradise Point Resort & Spa
America/Los_Angeles timezone

10.32 Combination Doppler Backscattering/Cross-Polarization Scattering Diagnostic for the C-2W Field-Reversed Configuration

18 Apr 2018, 10:30
2h 31m
Paradise Point Resort & Spa

Paradise Point Resort & Spa

1404 Vacation Rd, San Diego, CA 92109


L. Schmitz (University of California Los Angeles) C. Lau (TAE Technologies, Inc.) D. Fulton (TAE Technologies, Inc.) B.H. Deng (TAE Technologies, Inc.) H. Gota (TAE Technologies, Inc.) M. Thompson (TAE Technologies, Inc.) Z. Lin (University of California Irvine) T. Tajima (TAE Technologies, Inc.) M. Binderbauer (TAE Technologies, Inc.) the TAE Team (TAE Technologies, Inc.)


A versatile combination Doppler Backscattering (DBS) and Cross-Polarization Scattering (CPS) diagnostic for the C-2W Beam-Driven Field-Reversed Configuration is described. This system is capable of measuring density fluctuations and perpendicular magnetic field fluctuations across a wide wavenumber range, with typical resolution ≤ 0.4. Four tunable frequencies (26 GHz ≤ f ≤ 60 GHz corresponding to plasma densities 0.8x10^19m-3 ≤ n_e ≤ 3x10^19m-3) are launched via quasi-optical beam combiners/polarizers and an adjustable parabolic focusing mirror selecting the beam incidence angle. GENRAY ray tracing shows that the incident X-mode and backscattered CPS O-mode beam trajectories essentially overlap for C-2W plasma parameters, allowing simultaneous detection of ñ and B~ from the same scattering volume. We also discuss DBS measurements of the toroidal wavenumber spectrum of gyro-scale density fluctuations in the previous C-2U FRC (0.5 ≤ k rho_s ≤ 10 with the ion sound gyroradius rho_s). Only high-k (electron-scale) density fluctuations have been detected in the C-2U core, while a broad exponential wavenumber spectrum was observed in the scrape-off layer surrounding the FRC plasma, in agreement with gyrokinetic simulations [1]. [1] L. Schmitz et al., Nat. Comm. 7, 13860 (2016).

Primary author

L. Schmitz (University of California Los Angeles)


C. Lau (TAE Technologies, Inc.) D. Fulton (TAE Technologies, Inc.) B.H. Deng (TAE Technologies, Inc.) H. Gota (TAE Technologies, Inc.) M. Thompson (TAE Technologies, Inc.) Z. Lin (University of California Irvine) T. Tajima (TAE Technologies, Inc.) M. Binderbauer (TAE Technologies, Inc.) the TAE Team (TAE Technologies, Inc.)

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