34th ITPA Diagnostics Topical Group Meeting



The Diagnostics Topical Group aims to identify and resolve the key diagnostic issues that might arise both in plasma control and in the analysis of ITER plasmas and in the reactor grade (high fusion gain) plasmas that will follow ITER (e.g. DEMO).


The main tasks undertaken by the Diagnostics Topical Group will be to:

  • Identify, in close contact with the other Topical Groups and the ITER Organization, specific measurement requirements for machine protection,control, evaluation and understanding of burning plasma experiments in ITER
  • Identify research and development needs in ITER diagnostics and in the reactor grade (high fusion gain) plasmas that will follow ITER
  • Support the execution of research aimed at meeting those needs wherever possible
  • Advise the ITER Organization on the selection and design of diagnostic techniques for ITER
  • Participate in the assessment and review of system designs as requested by the ITER Organization
  • Develop and maintain the International Diagnostics Database (IDD)
  • Facilitate good communication within the area of ITER diagnostics and more generally in the development of diagnostics for reactor grade plasmas between scientists in the ITPA Parties
  • Anticipate future diagnostic programmes relevant to ITER and reactor grade plasmas and innovations, and advise what steps could be taken so that the diagnostic designs do not preclude these opportunities
  • Propose design and testing of new concept diagnostic systems and components for possible application on ITER and reactor grade devices that will follow ITER
  • Establish and manage Specialists Working Groups which work mainly in the electronic domain on the topics of the Diagnostics Topical Group
  • Report on all activities to the ITPA Coordinating Committee as required
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