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Modeling of Plasma Effects of Applied Resonant Magnetic Perturbations

Dates: August 25-26, 2008
Place: General Atomics, San Diego

2nd Announcement: Call for Papers and Participation

Dear Colleagues

A workshop on Theory and Modeling of the Effects of Resonant Magnetic Perturbations (RMPs) on Plasmas is being held at the General Atomics site in San Diego, California on August 25-26. The goal of the workshop is to focus on key physics issues that need to be resolved in order to scale RMP results to ITER plasma conditions. Talks should target open physics issues either from an experimental, theory or modeling perspective in order to facilitate a forum for theorists and experimentalists to discuss strategies for resolving these issues. We invite and welcome your participation.

If you will attend this workshop, please RSVP to

If you would like to give a presentation at this workshop,
please include a title and abstract. We welcome presentations
in the following topics:

  • 3-D equilibria in tokamak experiments,
  • plasma response to RMPs, and
  • Peeling-Ballooning and ELM stability changes.
  • Transport in the perturbed equilibrium,

Important dates:
July 7th Visa Application
July 14th Submission of non U.S. Citizen form
July 14thTitles and abstracts due
Please email to:
July 21st
Submission of registration form
July 21st
Submission of cyber access form
August 4thAgenda finalized and sent to participants
August 25-26
RMP Modeling Workshop

We plan to have H.323 access to the meeting for those who are unable to travel to GA. Connection details will be provided in August.

Hotel information can be found at:
Please reserve a hotel room as early as possible since August is a busy vacation month in San Diego.

Below is a short list of yes or no RMP questions that would be of interest to discuss at the workshop. Of course, others are also welcome:

  1. Is ELM suppression consistent with the stabilization of Peeling-Ballooning modes due only to changes in the pressure gradient?
  2. Is an increase in the toroidal rotation at the top of the pedestal when ELMs are suppressed at low collisionality consistent with screening and NTV theory?
  3. Is Beta a key parameter for understanding the response of the plasma to edge n=3 RMPs?
  4. Is the magnitude of the density pump out related to the pedestal collisionality?
  5. Is an increase in the frequency of the ELMs, when operating outside the resonant q95 ELM suppression window, consistent with Peeling-Ballooning theory.
  6. Do ExB convective cells play a significant role in the density pump out when the RMP is applied?
  7. Can divertor heat and particle flux patterns be used to determine the magnetic structure of the pedestal region?
  8. Can changes in the pedestal rotation, Er and pressure gradients during the RMP be understood in terms of transport theory?
  9. Is the timescale for the changes in the pedestal consistent with MHD simulations?
  10. Are neoclassical effects important for understanding changes in the pedestal plasma?

Todd Evans, General Atomics
Rick Moyer, UCSD
Scott Kruger, Tech-X Corporation
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