Snowmass 2002  Fusion Energy Sciences Summer Study

 Letter from Anne Davies

Department of Energy
Germantown, MD 20874-1290

TO:      Distribution (below)
SUBJECT: Preparations for Snowmass Meeting

As most of you are aware, plans are being made to convene a major
community meeting at Snowmass, Colorado in July of 2002.  While this
meeting can be seen as a follow on to the 1999 Snowmass meeting, the
intent is to have a more focused assessment of major next steps in the
fusion program.  In particular, this meeting will provide an
opportunity for wide-ranging community discussions regarding the
scientific issues associated with burning plasma experiments,
especially those that might be associated with the major magnetic
fusion experiments that have been proposed: ITER, FIRE, and
IGNITOR. At the same time, the IFE segment of the fusion community
will be meeting to consider plans for prospective integrated research
experiments and next steps within that approach to fusion.

We have seen this meeting evolve through community discussions,
workshops, and FESAC deliberations. I want to lend the full support of
the Office of Fusion Energy Sciences to this endeavor. For that
purpose and in response to the recommendations of FESAC, we have set
aside nearly $1 million of FY 2002 funding to assist with technical
assessments that should take place before the meeting. We also ask
that the fusion program leaders support this activity by making key
staff available as much as is practicable without sacrificing other
important objectives.

I have also asked OFES staff to assist with these additional
responsibilities by recognizing the need to divert existing resources
(within the constraint noted above) in support of the Snowmass
program. I am certain that with open communications we can manage this
process in a balanced way. If you have any questions regarding
additional resources or redirection of existing activities, please
raise them with your OFES program manager. When necessary, John Willis
or Mike Roberts will be pleased to clarify priorities.

N. Anne Davies
Associate Director for Fusion Energy Sciences
Office of Science


C. Baker, VLT
D. Baldwin, GA
R. Conn, UCSD
S. Dean, FPA
R. Goldston, PPPL
R. Hazeltine, FESAC
J. Lindl, LLNL
G. Logan, VNL-HIF
S. Milora, ORNL
M. Porkolab, MIT
R. Siemon, LANL
T. Jarboe, UFA
FESAC Members

J. Faul, PAO
M. Foster, DOE OAK
J. Krupa, DOE OAK

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