
1st Announcement

List of Abstracts

Registration Payment

Expression of
Interest Form

Important Dates

IAEA Participation Info

Conference Topics

Submission of Abstracts


Preparation of Papers

Conference Program


Directions and Map

Venue and Social Events

Program Committee

Non U.S. Form for Visitors to General Atomics

Tourist Information

Conference Dinner Buffet Menu

  • Mixed Spring Greens with Candied Walnuts and Gorgonzola Cheese
    with Rasberry or Champagne Dressing

  • Fusili Pasta with Aspargus Tips, Sweet Peppers and Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto

  • Spicy Red Lentil Salad with Caramelized Onion in a Cinnamon Lemon Dressing

  • Shrimp and Scallop Salad with Cilantro, Tomatoes and Lime

  • Breast of Chicken with Calvados Brandy Sauce

  • Penne Pasta with Roasted Pinenuts and Basil Pesto Cream

  • Toumedoes of Beef with Five Peppercorn Sauce

  • Fillet of Salmon with Saffron Cream Sauce

Seasonal Fresh Vegetables
Wild Rice with Pinenuts
Rolls and Butter

Assorted Truffles, French Pastries, Cheesecake, Strawberry La Bamba,
Snickers Pie, Raspberry Bash, Heath Toffee Crunch Cakes

Freshly Brewed Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, International and Herbal Tea