Meeting File Exchange

Upload a File(Closed)

Click the above to copy a file from your computer to the ARIES Design Brainstorming Workshop File Exchange.

In order for the links from the meeting agenda to work, files containing slides for a thrust meeting should conform to the following naming convention. Please name your file:


For example, my file will be called greenfield_aries.pdf.

Your upload file(s) will be available for download immediately.

Download a File

Click the above to copy a file from the ARIES Design Brainstorming Workshop File Exchange to your computer.

Suggestion: After uploading your file, download it using this link so you can check its integrity.

IMPORTANT: If you don't recognize a file in the list, download it at your own risk! If you think a file has been placed here that doesn't belong, please let me know.

Last modified: Tue Apr 18 12:54:27 PDT 2006