Input Files

There are three files that can be read into toq:

This is the normal namelist for TOQ.
This is a restart/initialization file. It is generated by previous runs under dskeqo.
To use this file, set ieqdsk = 2 in intoq.
This is for profiles and boundary parameters. It is generated on previous runs as dskeqdatao. Must have the prtdskeqdata variable set.

Global Parameters

nthet = 17, 33, 65, or 129 (in some versions 257 is possible)
Number of mesh points in the theta direction
npsi = nthet+2
Number of mesh spacing in the psi direction

fixcur (true)
fix total current to totcur--works with ffprime and jdotb with jbs=.f.
totcur (1. e6)
not used for qsolver; used in ffprime and jdotb if fixcur=.t. can not be used if jbs=.t.
dchi (3. e6)
used by qsolver; calculated (psimax-psimin) for other options
baxis0 (1. e4)
calculated for qsolver; used in ffprime and jdotb jbs=.t. and jbs=.f. what happens if modelf=2 used

betafix='bt' = peak toroidal beta fixed
betafix='bp' = poloidal beta fixed
betafix='none' = Don't fix beta
betapwant (0)
Beta poloidal for betafix='bp'
betiso (0)
Peak beta toroidal for betafix='bt'

alpsi (2) determines packing of flux surfaces
0 gives s=sqrt(poloidal flux)
-1 < alpsi < 0 uses Pearlstein's sin^2 distribution
imislo (3) controls treatment of flux surfaces near axis
imislo=0 attempts solution right up to axis
imislo=3 will interpolate between axis and 4th surface-- this will sometimes clean up problems near axis