A Workshop at Columbia University
NOVEMBER 18-20, 2007
(Sunday 10 AM to Tuesday 3 PM)
MHD CONTROL CONFIGURATIONS" NOVEMBER 18-20, 2007, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITYWe will hold a workshop on "Improved MHD Control Configurations" at Columbia University in New York City November 18-20 following the 2007 APS-DPP Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL (November 12-16, 2007). It is the 12th in the series and is organized jointly by Columbia University, General Atomics, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, and the University of Wisconsin. Please reserve these dates on your calendar! NOVEMBER 18-20, 2007.
Place: The conference room 750 Shapiro Building, hosted by the Dept. of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, 500 W. 120th St., New York, NY 10027.
Dates: Sunday, 18th November (Registration at 9:00 AM) through Tuesday November 20th (Ending at 3:00 PM). See Workshop Web Page for Hotel, Program, & Registration Information:
http://fusion.gat.com/conferences/stability07/Theme: With the ITER Design Review well underway, there is increased interest in using our experiment and theory advances in MHD mode control to improve control approaches, configurations, and combined control systems. This includes the active control of both internal and external ideal/resistive MHD modes using plasma rotation, rotation shear, rf waves, feedback control, resonant magnetic fields, or profile control. The format of this workshop will be similar to previous workshops in this series that include invited (30 to 40 minute) and contributed (15 to 20 minute) papers.
Program Committee: Richard Buttery (JET/EFDA), Robert La Haye (General Atomics), Piero Martin (RFX/ASDEX-Upgrade), Gerald Navratil (Columbia University), Michio Okabayashi (PPPL), John Sarff (Univ. Wisconsin) and K. Yamazaki (Nagoya University).
Local Organizer: Gerald Navratil, Program Chair: John Sarff
Previous workshops in this series include:
#11 PPPL, November 6-8, 2006, "Workshop on Active Control of MHD Stability: Active MHD Control in ITER"(http://fusion.gat.com/conferences/mhd06/)
#10 University of Wisconsin-Madison, October 31-November 2, 2005, Workshop on "Active Control of MHD Stability: Progress in Kink and Tearing Mode Control" (http://plasma.physics.wisc.edu/MHD05/)
#9 Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, 21-23 November 2004, Workshop on Active Control of MHD Stabilities: Back to Basics (http://fusion.gat.com/conferences/mhd04/)
#8 University of Texas - Austin, 3-5 November 2003, Workshop on Active Control of MHD Stability: Extension to the Burning Plasma Regime" (http://fusion.gat.com/conferences/mhd03/)
#7 Columbia University, 18-20 November 2002, Workshop on Active Control of MHD Stability: Extension of Performance (http://www.apam.columbia.edu/fusion/MHDControl2002/)
#6 General Atomics, 5-7 November 2001, Workshop on Control of MHD Stability by Rotation
#5 PPPL, 30 Oct - 1 Nov 2000, Workshop on Innovative MHD Control in Magnetic Fusion Plasmas
#4 University of Washington, 21-23 November 1999, Workshop on Active MHD Mode Control in Innovative Confinement Concepts
#3 General Atomics, 22-24 November 1998, Workshop on Active Control of MHD Modes in Toroidal Devices
#2 Columbia University, 23-25 November 1997, Workshop on Control of MHD Modes in Tokamaks with Non-axisymmetric Coils
#1 PPPL, 11-13 December 1996, Workshop on Feedback Stabilization of MHD Instabilities