Convener - L. Waganer (Boeing)
Cost Subgroup Charter
The Cost Subgroup will assemble relevant cost data and estimate bases for each burning plasma experiment option. The cost estimates shall include all direct cost items (land and land rights, structures and site facilities, reactor plant equipment, miscellaneous plant equipment, and special materials), indirect cost items (construction services and equipment, engineering services, and other indirect cost items), and annual operations and maintenance costs. Current cost data will be gathered from plasma experiment organizations along with determining design or operational requirements or parameters to help justify and understand the cost bases. Incomplete or missing data will be estimated with the assistance of the experiment advocates. The cost data will be normalized to allow a more meaningful and credible economic comparison of the options. The completeness and credibility of the cost data will be determined to assess the cost estimate risk.
Areas to Be Addressed and Data Collected (as detailed as possible and practical)
Direct Capital Costs
Land and Land Rights
Structures and Site Facilities
Reactor Plant Equipment
Miscellaneous (Auxiliary) Plant Equipment
Special Materials
Indirect Capital Costs
Construction Services and Equipment
Engineering Services
R&D During Construction
Other Indirect Costs
Operations and Maintenance Costs
Operations Personnel
Maintenance and Improvements
Overlap and Connection to Other Technology Sub-Groups
All Technology Working Groups
T1: Magnets - Martovetsky, LLNL; Minervini, MIT
T2: PFC/Heat Removal - R. Mattas (ANL); M. Ulrickson (Sandia)
T3: Heating/Current Drive/Fueling - D. Rasmussen (ORNL), R. Temkin (MIT)
T4: Vacuum Vessel/Remote Handling - Nelson, ORNL; Parker, MIT
T5: Safety/Tritium/Materials - Petti, INEEL; Zinkle, ORNL
All Burning Plasma Experiments Working Groups
B1: FIRE - D. Meade (PPPL), R. Thome (GA)
B2: IGNITOR - F. Bombarda (MIT), B. Coppi (MIT)
B3: ITER - F. Perkins (PPPL), R. Parker (MIT)
Evaluation Criteria and Metrics
- Cost estimate credibility, including R&D support
- Contingency assumptions and adequacy
- Feasibility of meeting cost estimate
- Feasibility and readiness of manufacturing/construction/assembly/management
- Cost escalation due to performance and schedule slippage
- Synergistic effects (other R&D, experiments)
Other Supporting People to Accomplish Tasks
(Consider people as tentative at this time)
ITER Perkins, Parker
FIRE Meade or Thome
Magnets - Martovetski, Minervini
PFC/Heat Removal Mattas, Ulrickson
Blanket/Shield Mattas, Nelson
Heating/Current Drive Rasmussen, Temkin
VV/Remote Handling Nelson
Tritium Plant Willms
Overall Plant Miller
Cost Guidelines for Government Projects Marton