T4: Vacuum Vessel/Remote Handling

Conveners - B. Nelson and T. Burgess (ORNL)

Vacuum Vessel and Remote Handling Charter

Assess the Vacuum Vessel and Remote Handling systems for candidate burning plasma devices. Assess the capability of the vacuum vessel designs with regard to normal and off normal operating conditions, design margin, safety and reliability, access for heating, diagnostic, vacuum pumping, maintenance, etc. Assess the Remote Handling system design for general feasibility, reliability, adaptability to modify and update internal systems such as divertor assemblies, PFC tiles, diagnostics, etc. after the device is activated, and predicted maintenance times for the various components. Any necessary R&D to develop the Vacuum Vessel or Remote Handling systems should be identified and justified in lieu of using conventional, proven techniques for these systems.

Areas to be assessed by Vacuum Vessel and Remote Handling group

  1. Vacuum Vessel
    1. Vessel Torus
      1. Structure
      2. Shielding
      3. Internal cooling
    2. Passive and active stabilizer integration
      1. Passive stabilizing plates
      2. Internal control coils
      3. Integration of magnetic loops
    3. Ports
      1. Pumping ports
      2. Maintenance ports
      3. Diagnostic ports
      4. Heating ports
    4. Vessel supports
    5. Vessel assembly and maintenance
      1. Assembly sequence and schedule
      2. Remote maintenance
    6. Performance (structural, thermal and neutronic)
      1. Normal operation
      2. Disruptions
      3. Seismic
    7. Safety
      1. Design criteria basis, e.g., ASME code
      2. Confinement barriers
      3. Pressure suppression
    8. R&D requirements
  1. Remote Maintenance
    1. Maintenance philosophy and maintenance times
      1. In-vessel
        1. Divertor
        2. First wall / blanket
        3. Magnetic loops, other internal diagnostics
        4. Vacuum vessel assembly joints
        5. Vacuum vessel ports
      2. Ex-vessel
        1. TF Coils
        2. PF Coils
        3. Primary structure
        4. Cooling/cryogenic systems
        5. Port mounted systems
          1. Plasma heating systems
          2. Port mounted diagnostics
          3. Vacuum pumping systems
    2. Remote handling systems
      1. In-vessel systems
        1. Main system (e.g. boom, vehicle, other)
        2. End effectors
        3. Inspection/leak checking systems
      2. Ex-vessel systems
        1. Main system (e.g. crane, hands-on, other
        2. End effectors
        3. Inspection systems
        4. Handling casks
        5. Hot cells / storage / refurbishing systems
    3. R&D requirements and plans
      1. Remote Handling systems
        1. In-vessel systems
        2. Ex-vessel systems
      2. Mockups and prototypes
        1. In-vessel components and processes
        2. Ex-vessel components and processes


Overlap and connection to other sub-groups

  1. T1 — Magnets — The interface with this group will be in the areas of Coil operating currents, VV support interfaces, and magnet ramp rates (e.g. magnet quench) that could put loads on the vacuum vessel. The remote-handling interface will probably be limited to leads and cooling interfaces for most devices, but could include full replacement.
  2. T2 — PFC / Heat Removal — There will be close interaction with this group since there are very detailed interfaces between the PFC/Divertor systems and both the vacuum vessel and remote handling systems. The vessel provides the structural support and must accommodate the cooling and pumping interfaces, while the remote handling systems must be able to maintain or re-configure these components.
  3. T3 - Heating/Current drive - This group provides access requirements (e.g. number and size of ports), shielding requirements (how big is the hole in the VV shielding that must be compensated for), and maintenance requirements for the heating and current drive systems
  4. T5 - Safety/tritium/materials - This group provides safety requirements to be used for vacuum vessel containment and/or confinement design criteria. These criteria include number and type of safety boundaries, shielding requirements, accident conditions to be considered, etc. This group also provides guidance for remote handling activities, both in-vessel and ex-vessel, for contamination control, dose rates, venting, etc.
  5. T6 — Cost — This interfaces with everything
  6. P1 — Wave particle interactions — No overlap / connection expected
  7. P2 - Energetic particles / alpha physics — No overlap / connections expected
  8. P3 — MHD — This group provides input on the requirements / effectiveness of the passive and active stabilizing systems
  9. P4 — Transport - No overlap / connection expected
  10. P5 — Boundary physics — No overlap / connection expected
  11. E1 — Diagnostics — This group determines what the vessel must provide access and support for and what must be maintained
  12. E2 — Integrated Scenarios / ignition physics / burn - This group provides the normal plasma operation and plasma disruption conditions?
  13. E3 — Physics operations This group would provide advice on what systems would need to be modified / upgraded over the course of operations
  14. E4 — Development path - TBD


Brad Nelson (ORNL) — (co-leader) for vacuum vessel / remote handling requirements, design integration, and liaison with FIRE design

Tom Burgess (ORNL) — (co-leader) for remote handling systems, maintenance times

Phil Heitzenroeder (PPPL) for vacuum vessel design, active control coils, passive plate integration and fabrication issues

Joe Herndon (ORNL) for remote handling

Tom Brown (PPPL) for vacuum vessel design, assembly and integration issues

Dave Williamson (ORNL) for vacuum vessel design, electromagnetics, and stress analysis

Jim Irby (MIT) for vacuum vessel pumping, heating, and diagnostic integration

Doug Loesser (PPPL) for remote maintenance and integration of PFCs

Saurin Majumdar — Design code guidance

Aldo Pessutto — Ignitor interface for vessel

NSO work

The three devices under consideration are completely different with respect to stage of development and requirements for both the vacuum vessel and remote handling systems. The ITER device is very well developed in both of these areas, and should by now have addressed both areas in great detail. The FIRE device is in a very preliminary stage of development and has performed only cursory analysis of the vacuum vessel and very limited scoping of the remote handling systems. The scope of effort devoted to the Ignitor vacuum vessel and remote-handling systems is unknown.

Evaluation Criteria and Ratings

The evaluation criteria for the vacuum vessel and remote handling systems used for each machine cannot be the same, but must be tempered by the differences in overall machine performance, safety risk, level of activation, total investment, etc. The technology group agreed to use the following standard set of general evaluation criteria:


The technology group also agreed to use a uniform set of three rating levels. After all the assessments have been completed, each criterion will be given one of these three ratings.


The performance / margin evaluation will require knowledge of the requirements imposed on the various components, and whether the design satisfies the requirement. Some of the basic vacuum vessel performance factors are listed in table 1, and some of the remote handling performance factors is listed in Table 2.

Table 1. Vacuum vessel performance evaluation factors


Is there a requirement?

Meets requirement? margin?

Safety function and safety barriers

Access for pumping, heating, diagnostics, etc.


Integration and performance of passive and active stabilizing elements

Integration of PFCs and internal diagnostics

Structural performance

- Normal operating conditions

- Off-normal conditions

Thermal performance

- Normal operating conditions

- Off-normal conditions

Shielding performance

Reliability - FMEA


Table 2. Remote Handling systems performance evaluation factors


Is there a requirement?

Meets requirement? margin?

Remote Handling constraints (e.g. number of ports available, activation levels, barriers required during maintenance, etc.)

- In-vessel systems

- Ex-vessel systems

Remote Maintenance times

- internal components

- external components

Re-configuration of internals

- Divertor / pumping system

- First wall

- Heating systems

Failure recovery

- internal components

- external components