P4: Transport

Conveners - E. Synakowski (PPPL), R. Waltz (GA)

P4 Sections of Snowmass Report

  1. P4 introduction (PDF file)
  2. Flexibility and Transport (PDF file)

Snowmass Appendix documents and vugraphs contributing to the P4 Snowmass Report

  1. Waltz performance (PDF file)
  2. Synder pedestal stability (PDF file)
  3. Hubbard magnetic configurations and pedestals (PDF file)
  4. Staebler density peaking and rotation (PDF file)
  5. Bateman performance (PDF file)
  6. Waltz "Pedestals & Confinement vugraphs (PDF file)
  7. Cordey pedestal vugraphs (PDF file)
  8. Waltz H vs L vugraph (PDF file)
  9. Waltz F,Q,H performance sensitivity vugraph (PDF file)
  10. HammettFIRE-confinemnt (PDF file)
  11. Romanelli.FTU (PDF file)
  12. Perkins y2 and gyroBohm scaling (PDF file)


The primary goal of the Transport Group (P4) is to provide a uniform assessment of the confinement performance (projected Q) for the proposed ITER-FEAT, FIRE and IGNITOR designs. Empirical scaling laws and theory based transport models benchmarked to existing plasma discharges, will be used in this assessment. Using these exercises as a basis, these models will also be used to identify the transport science that may emerge in the integration of turbulence, transport, and self-heating. As part of the assessment, the flexibility required to achieve a range of Q values and to permit a study of this transport science will be evaluated.

The tasks for this subgroup to be performed for the proposed experiments are:

Work Outline


Perform standard target performance projections from global confinement data and dimensionally similar demonstration discharges.


Perform target performance projections using transport models.


Clarify the range of possible H mode temperature pedestal heights and characterize their uncertainties.

Clarify how the target Q's (or nTtau's) vary with changes in the "targets" themselves (e.g., operating density and profiles, input aux. power) and also assign some uncertainty (error bars) on the projections.

Relationship with other tasks: Task 3 needs to be folded with Task 2 to get a projected nTtau (or Q) and compared with Task 1 empirical projection. The Q plots (from empirical and theory models) will result in the "front table" or bottomline assessment to go in the executive report. It also will provide key input into Task 5 (below).


Assess the H mode access requirements in terms of power and edge parameter and estimate uncertainties.


Characterize range of possible scenarios, flexibility requirements, and possible pressure profile dynamics.

Additional comments: The modeling will be directed towards identifying new transport dynamics that may emerge in a strongly alpha-dominated heating environment. Modeling exercises will be performed under various assumptions including a range of H mode pedestal heights, as determined by Task 3, and core transport assumptions. The latter include those implicit in microstability calculations built into the predictive models, as well as various assumptions determined from experimental studies of transport.


Identify transport physics that must addressed in the base program to reduce the uncertainties for BP performance and operating space.


January 31
Complete definition of tasks for confinement projections based on empirical scaling.
Identify common tasks with Integrated Modelling Group for scenario assessment (E2).
Group conference call regarding progress, refining tasks on empirical scaling.
April 1
Finalize results on baseline performance from empirical projections and modeling.

Mid-point assessment regarding scenario exploration: density profile peaking, prospects for ITB's, etc.

April 3-6
Discuss flexibility requirements, scientific opportunities for a BP at TTF Meeting
April 23
R. Waltz presents summary of results on performance projections at Sherwood.
April 30
Finalize scenario explorations.


Task 1
Rip Perkins, Craig Petty
Task 2
Jon Kinsey (GLF23), Glenn Bateman (Multimode model), Bob Budny (predictive TRANSP with various models), Doug McCune (TRANSP support)
Task 3
Phil Snyder, Amanda Hubbard, Martin Greenwald, Rich Groebner
Task 4
Rich Groebner, Amanda Hubbard, Martin Greenwald
Task 5
Bob Budny, Jon Kinsey, Gary Staebler, Lang Lao, Masanori Murakami, Holger St. John

Documents presented at Sherwood 2002

  1. Snowmass P4 Summary at Sherwood, 23 April 2002 (PDF file)
  2. Kinsey Sherwood talk (PDF file)
  3. Onjun Sherwood poster pedestal (PDF file)
  4. Kritz Sherwood poster pedestal (PDF file)
  5. Bateman Sherwood poster pedestal (PDF file)
  6. Snyder Sherwood poster pedestal stability (PDF file)