P1: Wave-Particle Interactions

There are two broad questions to be addressed in the study:

  1. Do the proposed RF systems meet the requirements of the devices for heating to ignition, current drive or other plasma control by RF? This applies to both the basic mission for achieving significant fusion power and any advanced tokamak research planned.
  2. What are the capabilities of each device to address basic physics issues of wave-plasma interactions and to provide the knowledge base needed for RF applications in future, reactor scale, devices?
Work plan/schedule:

  1. Review proponent's RF scenarios, RF performance analysis, and RF system designs. A very good start on this is in hand with the document prepared by Miklos and Ron Prater after the April burning plasma workshop at GA. It primarily needs to be compared with the latest work by the advocates and updated. (1 March 2002)
  2. Develop draft outline for full report. Have conference call. (1 March 2002)
  3. Write draft report section on machine RF plans/needs, evaluation of existing RF analysis, and technology/system design status (15 March 2002)
  4. Assess the validity of the scenarios (baseline and AT) proposed (5 April 2002)

    1. Are the power requirements correct? Have alpha or other parasitic losses been properly accounted for?
    2. Are power deposition profiles assumed in scenarios consistent with RF physics?
    3. Are current drive efficiencies and profiles achievable?
  5. Assess capabilities of each device to address basic physics issues of wave-plasma interactions and to provide the knowledge base needed for RF applications in future, reactor scale, devices. (5 April 2002)
  6. Conference Call (8 April 2002)
  7. Write draft report, identify un-resolved issues. (15 April 2002)
  8. Present draft report results as Sherwood (23 April 2002)
  9. Carry out additional studies, develop revised draft as required (17 May 2002)
  10. Develop agenda for Snowmass meeting (14 June 2002)