F. Najmabadi, K. Schoenberg
A burning plasma experiment is a key step in developing fusion. The realization of fusion, however, requires scientific progress in many other plasma physics and technology areas. Examples include: steady-state advanced plasma modes with low recirculating power and high beta, steady-state operation of impurity control/particle exhaust system under prototypical particle and energy fluxes, etc. An important discriminator among various embodiments of burning plasma experiments is the flexibly to examine these scientific challenges toward development of fusion.
The charter of this subgroup is to develop quantities the technical requirements and metrics for the realizationdevelopment of fusion as an energy source and to evaluate and assess fusion development path based on the different proposed burning plasma experiments. In addition, the subgroup will explore how alternative concepts contribute to and are folded into a fusion development path.
The scope of subgroup activity is limited to MFE concepts that are at least at in the proof of principle and beyonddevelopment stage (compact stellarator, RFP, ST, and tokamak).
Work Outline
1) Develop the technical requirements and metrics (i.e., scientific basis and experience) for realizationthe development of fusion energy.
Examples include (in each case, the criteria for success is that a there is sufficient scientific basis such that a device can be built and licensed):
The Subgroup will use the existing large body of research in this area to develop quantitative metrics and criteria that can be used to assess the contribution of a particular burning plasma experiment to fusion energy development.
2) Assess the contributions of various burning plasma experiments to fusion energy development using the metrics developed in item 1.
3) Using the technical matrix developed in items 1 and 2, scope out the impact of the proposed burning plasmas experiments on development path for fusion energy:
Subgroup will consider only four cases, 1) Proceeding with Ignitor-class experiment, 2) Proceeding with FIRE-Class experiment, 3) Proceeding with ITER-class experiment, and 4) Not proceeding with any burning plasma experiments. In each case, subgroup will consider:
4) Explore how alternative concepts contribute to and are folded into the fusion development path?
Deliverables and Schedule
We are in the process of identifying subgroup members. In consultation with participants, a more specific list of tasks, time frames, and deliverables will be worked out.
Support Required
Data on operational capabilities of proposed burning plasma experiments are needed.
Report (In PDF Format)