E2: Integrated Scenarios/  Ignition Physics/Burn Control

Convenors - C. Kessel and C. Greenfield


The primary focus of this subgroup is evaluation and assessment of self-consistent operating scenarios for proposed burning plasma experiments (BPX). This includes consideration of hardware constraints, reference and alternative scenarios, prediction/extrapolation of physics impacts on scenarios, and burn and other plasma control. This also includes the evaluation of the operating space of the proposed BPX, and the flexibility to compensate for uncertainties in projections and to examine physics of interest.

The topics for this subgroup applied to each proposed BPX are to 1) simulation of the reference scenario, 2) determination of the global operating space, 3) determine capability and flexibility to pursue advanced tokamak operating regimes, 4) examine ability to control operating point, and 5) identify specific physics and prediction/extrapolation issues

This will require the use of time-dependent integrated simulations, typically 1-1/2 D (2D equilibrium and 1D transport). In addition, analysis may also include static equilibrium based calculations. Both static and time-dependent 0D calculations will be required. These simulations will be done on a standardized common basis for all proposed BPXs, to the maximum extent possible.

The topical areas outlined above would be applied to ITER, FIRE, Ignitor, and any other proposed BPX to the fullest extent possible. Full participation by proponents of the various BPXs would be required.

Work Outline/Simulations:


1-1/2D simulation of the reference full discharge scenario for each BPX (typically ELMing H-mode) consistent with its engineering constraints and commonly applied physics constraints.

    1. What energy transport model and pedestal model
    2. How is particle transport handled, fueling and pumping.
    3. What burn control is applied.
    4. How is sawtooth treated, time-averaged or explicitly, and how is its amplitude and period determined.
    5. Fixed boundary or free boundary.
    6. Clearly cite parameters that are not explicitly modeled (i.e. taup*/tauE, details of sawtooth crash, alpha physics).
    7. If choices in the simulations are uncertain, should a scan be part of the assessment.


0D POPCON-like analysis to determine the operating space for each BPX consistent with its engineering constraints and commonly applied physics constraints. Including an assessement of accessibility.


1-1/2D simulations of alternative operating regimes for each BPX (such as Advanced Tokamak, long pulse). This assessment would include static equilibrium based analysis as well to address specific areas.


0D, equilibrium based, and 1-1/2D analysis to examine the ability of each BPX to control its operating point, which would include identifying control needs, timescales, required sources (actuators), and diagnostics.


Identification and simulation of the most significant physics impacts or uncertainties on the operating regimes for each BPX. These will be agreed upon by this subgroup’s leaders and participants, and would be largely derived from Snowmass 1999, UFA1, and UFA2 assessments. Direct interaction with Snowmass 2002 subgroups is required to coordinate efforts and avoid unproductive overlap.


Tentatively establish Subgroup E2 working group meeting at ITPA Database and Modelling meeting at PPPL, March 11-14/2002. Several subgroup members are already in this ITPA membership, allowing all "codes" to be represented.

Priority #1

TASK #2) 0D/Systems Analysis (significant progress 1/30-2/14/2002, target ITPA Database and Modelling meeting 3/11/2002 to present to wider audience and get feedback)

    1. set up formulations, check and verify, and check ITER systems assumptions
    2. identify diagrams useful for operating space assessment
    3. find effective ways to demonstrate impact of uncertainties and flexibilities for each BPX
    4. dimensionless parameters comparison
    5. capability of each BPX to access AT operating regimes
    6. 0D time-dependent for P/Pthr and burn control examination

TASK #1) 1-1/2D simulation of reference operating scenario (all participants will contribute, significant progress 2/28/2002, target ITPA Database and Modelling meeting 3/11/2002 to present to wider audience)

    1. free-boundary simulations by TSC and Corsica, requires structure, PF coils and currents
    2. collect BPX device data for participants, supply boundary evolutions to fixed boundary codes
    3. all codes will be applied to reference scenarios, at least one device per code
    4. subtopics for analysis:

sawteeth model and impact

energy transport assumptions

particle transport and fueling

other simulation assumptions and their impact (i.e taup*/tauE)

edge effects as possible

Priority #2

TASK #3) 1-1/2D simulation of alternative operating regime (such as Advanced Tokamak) --- detailed outline pending results of TASK #1 and 2.

Priority #3

TASK #4) Burn and other plasma control, the ability of each BPX to control its operating point --- detailed outline pending results of TASK #1 and 2.

Priority #4

TASK #5) Significant physics impacts --- detailed outline pending results of TASK #1, 2, 3, and 4.

Additional Support Requested (11/9/01):

Experimental Approach Working Group Tasks

Working Group



Cost (x 1000)

Subgroup E2 Integrated Scenarios, Ignition Physics, Burn Control

1 1/2 D simulations of full discharge scenario for each BPX

Kessel (PPPL)

Casper (LLNL)

Bateman (Lehigh)

St. John (GA)

McCune (PPPL)

50 (evenly split by institution)


0-D POPCON and other systems analysis to determine operating space for each BPX for standard and alternative operation.

Kessel (PPPL)

Politzer (GA)

Mandrekas (GIT)

Murakami (GA)

Uckan (ORNL)



1 1/2 D simulations of alternative operating regimes of each BPX — capability for AT.

Kessel (PPPL)

Politzer (GA)

Casper (LLNL)

Houlberg (ORNL)

St. John (GA)

Murakami (GA)

McCune (PPPL)



Operating point control analysis of each BPX, 0-D & 1 1/2 D.

Kessel (PPPL)

Politzer (GA)

Mandrekas (GIT)

Houlberg (ORNL)



Impact of most significant physics issues and physic uncertainties on operating regimes for each BPX , identification and simulation— coordination with physics groups.

Kessel (PPPL)

Politzer (GA)

Casper (LLNL)

Mandrekas (GIT)

Bateman (Lehigh)

Houlberg (ORNL)

St. John (GA)

Murakami (GA)

McCune (PPPL)

Uckan (ORNL)


Note: Coordination with Physics and Engineering Working Groups on all elements is needed. Assessments include a reference and uncertainty/flexibility examination.

Support Required:

Working Group: in addition to subgroup leaders C. Kessel (PPPL) and C. Greenfield (General Atomics)

Wayne Houlberg (ORNL)

John Mandrekas (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Glenn Bateman (Lehigh University)

Masanori Murakami (ORNL)

Tom Casper (LLNL)

Holger St. John (General Atomics)

Nermin Uckan (ORNL)

Robert Budny (PPPL)

Arnold Kritz (Lehigh University)

Interested Participants:

Steve Jardin (PPPL)

Linda Sugiyama (MIT)

V. Parail (JET)??

BPX Contacts:

ITER, Rip Perkins

FIRE, Chuck Kessel (via Dale Meade)

Ignitor, Linda Sugiyama (via Francesca LaBombarda)


Computer Codes:

Tokamak Simulation Code (TSC)



Corsica (CalTrans)


