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Working Group Chairman:
Wayne Meier (LLNL)
D1 - Lasers
Steve Payne (LLNL) and Steve Obenschain (NRL)
D2 - Accelerators
Steve Lund (HIF VNL) and Grant Logan (HIF VNL)
D3 - Z-Pinch
Craig Olson (SNL) and TBD
D4 - Fast Ignition Drivers
Mike Campbell (General Atomics) and Chris Barty (LLNL)
Lasers (KrF and Diode-Pumped Solid State)
Heavy Ion Accelerators
Fast Ignition Sources
1) Requirements and goals for full-scale IFE drivers
2) Status report for each driver
3) R&D plans with emphasis on the IRE and IRE-to-ETF phases.
List and justify the goals and/or requirements for a full-size IFE driver based on current knowledge for the desired target(s) to be used. Although some full-scale driver requirements are not precisely defined at this time, it is possible to specify ranges of parameters, including the energy, pulse-shaping, and irradiation uniformity and balance. Efficient and economical operation of an IFE power plant add other requirements including shot-to-shot stability, reliability of components, and acceptable cost for building the system. Based on the likely target gain, the driver must have sufficient efficiency to prevent the recirculated electrical power from becoming excessive. Include the following:
1. Energy and pulse shape
2. Brightness (laser/HI). Can the driver meet the brightness requirement of the corresponding target?
3. Repetition rate, reliability and durability
4. Efficiency
5. Symmetry (irradiation smoothness, power balance, etc.)
6. Cost
2) Driver Status Report
Report the state-of-the-art of the driver technology and how it relates to the goal and requirements. Include description of demonstrated technology, extrapolations into the future, and uncertain areas that need to be explored to make decisions.
1. Describe driver concept
2. What is the current status (technology that has been demonstrated)?
3. What are the key remaining issues for this driver option?
4. What driver technology demonstrations are needed? What will be deferred to full driver?
5. What is the confidence level in the key technologies and how has it been judged?
6. To what extent has modeling been able to reproduce experimental results?
7. What is the status of driver with respect to goals?
3) IRE Driver Description
Describe the IRE driver including the following considerations:
1. What are the goals of the IRE for each driver?
2. Describe the design of the IRE driver (energy, rep-rate, etc.)
a. What is the technical basis for the IRE driver components and for the system design?
b. How have the design tools for the IRE driver been benchmarked?
c. What are the expected threats to IRE final focus elements (optics, magnets, MTLs)? Can they be protected and/or easily replaced if needed?
d. What is the anticipated cost and schedule for the IRE?
3. What are the milestones and go/no-go decision points to proceed with the IRE?
a. What experiments are planned for the near-term (next ~2 years) to increase confidence that the IRE will succeed?
4) Integration Experiments
Describe how the IRE driver will be integrated with the chamber and targets and which "integration" experiments will be performed. Possible examples include:
1. Target injection (or placement for Z-pinch)
2. Rep-rated demonstration of energy delivery to a "target"
3. First-wall and final focus system survivability
4. Target physics
5. Beam (energy) transport
5) IRE to ETF
Describe vision for the ETF driver and its relationship to the IRE. Address the following:
1. Which issues will not be resolved by the IRE and therefore will be deferred until the ETF?
2. What is the relation between fusion driver research and other activities in the scientific, defense and commercial sectors that could impact success?
3. Are there any areas in which "breakthroughs" might occur, that may change the pathway to the ETF?
4. What are the plans, milestones and go/no-go decisions to proceed to an ETF?