Charles L. Neumeyer Jr.
Princeton University
Plasma Physics Laboratory
January, 2002
The future pursuit of fusion by the US requires that a core competency be maintained, at least above some critical level at which the accumulated experience of the past can be effectively carried forward. The requisite core competency lies not only in the discipline of plasma physics but also in engineering. The design and construction of any fusion device, especially a large burning plasma experiment, must rely heavily on engineering. Much of the engineering expertise required is unique to fusion. As fusion evolves, if it is to be successful, then by definition it must shift from physics emphasis to engineering.
Present circumstances in the US are such that no significant new device is moving forward. Although NSTX did, and NCSX will, provide some limited opportunity for the community of engineers who design and construct fusion devices to practice their work, the present level of activity is not sufficient to sustain this community.
In the US, for both historic and practical reasons, the community of engineers who design and construct fusion devices is noted to be, for the most part, distinct from the group which operates them. This is in contrast to the physics community, composed of researchers who have typically been involved in both the design and operation of fusion devices. Thus, for the physics community, the prolonged operation of existing devices and delays in the construction of new ones has less impact than it does on the engineering community.
The community of engineers who worked on the design and construction of TFTR, and recent false-start machines CIT/BPX, TPX, ITER (original EDA) and FIRE, is now to a large degree in a limbo state. These persons are now having to scramble hard to find work coverage. If the present malaise continues, they will likely be lost to the fusion program. This group is, arguably, closer to the core skill needs of the program than the operating engineers who tend to more closely resemble those practicing in mainstream industry. It is not a large community, consisting of perhaps several dozen of persons, whose names appear e.g. on the FIRE design team or, e.g. the list of attendees at the SOFE conference. The population is both dwindling and graying.
From these perspectives, the following would be positive characteristics of a next-step project:
Conversely, the following would be negative characteristics:
To conclude this point, decisions concerning the future direction of the US program must consider the domestic community of engineers who design fusion devices, who comprise an important element of the core competency of the US program. If a path forward does not materialize soon, critical mass will be lost in this area.