22nd Workshop on MHD Stability Control

Integrating disruption prediction and MHD control

Hosted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison

Madison, WI, October 30 - November 1, 2017

Call for Papers in a Special Issue of Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion™ (PPCF) is delighted to announce that it will be publishing a selection of papers from the 22nd Workshop on MHD Stability Control, to be published in mid-2018. Both PPCF and the workshop planning committee look forward to contributions from both invited and contributed speakers. If you present at the workshop, please consider publishing your work in this issue as it provides PPCF readers with a unique, easy-to-find review of progress in the field.

PPCF is able to publish special issues incrementally. All submissions will be published as soon as they clear journal review on a dedicated page: link.

For more details, see the official notice here: Coming Soon.