Burning Plasma Science Workshop II

 Burning Plasma Science Experiment  Concepts and Technologies

Purpose, Scope and Format


Plenary and Contributed Presentations

Previous BPS Workshop

Links to Other Burning Plasma Sites

1-3 May 2001
General Atomics
San Diego, California

Sponsored by the University Fusion Association

The second University Fusion Association Burning Plasma Science Workshop, BPS Workshop II, will be held 1-3 May 2001 at General Atomics in San Diego.

The first UFA BPS Workshop, held at the University of Texas in Austin, 11-13 December 2000, focused on burning plasma science issues and the physics of burning plasmas. BPS Workshop II will focus on burning plasma technology and specific burning plasma experiment concepts. The Purpose, Scope and Format for Workshop II are summarized below. Details can be found here.

Purpose: To identify possible experimental approaches that would permit exploration of the science of burning plasmas to begin near the end of this decade.

Scope: Burning Plasma Science Workshop II will explore various experimental opportunities for pursing the science of burning plasmas and, for each approach, its capability to explore the scientific issues of burning plasmas identified in the first Burning Plasma Workshop. The Workshop will also seek to identify technological opportunities which could measurably improve the performance, reliability or operational flexibility of burning plasma experiments.

For Workshop II, a boundary condition is imposed limiting approaches to those that could be put into operation within about ten years. If sufficient interest warrants, a future Workshop could look beyond the ten-year time frame and/or at "low-cost/high-risk" concepts.

Format: The Workshop will follow the format used at the first Workshop, namely a combination of plenary and breakout sessions with ample time allocated for discussion. The plenary sessions will address both generic science-to-technology requirements for BPS experiments and integrated concept descriptions and capabilities, while the breakout sessions will primarily address the specific questions detailed in the Purpose, Scope and Format page for concepts and "generic" technologies identified in the plenary sessions. The Organizing Committee anticipates that specific plenary and breakout session topics and chairpersons will be identified shortly.

Details of what will be covered and the Workshop agenda are being developed by the Organizing Committee:

  • Ronald Parker, MIT (Chair): parkerpsfc.mit.edu
  • Mohamed Abdou, UCLA: abdoufusion.ucla.edu
  • Farrokh Najmabadi, UCSD: najmabadifusion.ucsd.edu
  • Gerald Navratil, Columbia University: navratilcolumbia.edu
  • Raffi Nazikian, Princeton University: rnazikianpppl.gov
  • John Perkins, LLNL: perkins3llnl.gov
  • David Ruzic, University of Illinois: druzicuiuc.edu
  • John Wesley, General Atomics: wesleyfusion.gat.com

General Atomics will host the meeting. John Wesley is responsible for local arrangements. Two and one-half days of Workshop presentations and discussion are planned. Individuals wishing to make a presentation should submit an informal abstract or prospectus to the Organizing Committee Chair and John Wesley by 23 March 2001. Submission in electronic format (text, PDF or Microsoft Word-compatible) to the Chair or Wesley will facilitate timely consideration by the Organizing Committee.

Complimentary (no-cost) pre-registration is required to attend the Workshop. On-line registration and pre-registration deadlines for U.S. and non-U.S. citizens can be found here. Please register early!

Facilities for the electronic projection of PDF, Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint files will be provided at the Workshop. The Committee intends to compile and electronically distribute the Workshop presentations to all participants in PDF format. A facility for electronic submission of presentations prior to the first day of the Workshop is provided by the Workshop File Exchange.

Information on a local hotel specifically reserved for Workshop attendees can be found here. Generic information on accommodations near General Atomics can be found here. Advance hotel reservations are strongly advised for either case.

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