US-Japan Workshop on RF Heating Physics

General Atomics, San Diego

General Atomics, San Diego

San Diego

Theme & Topics

Radio-frequency heating and current drive systems are uniquely important actuators for fusion plasmas including ITER and next-step devices. To develop better physics understanding for improved efficiency and performance, various RF heating and current drive approaches are actively being pursued both experimentally and theoretically worldwide. The US-Japan Workshop on RF Heating Physics has a long history in providing an important venue for promoting RF physics for fusion research through stimulating discussions and resulting collaborations.

The agenda for the workshop will consist entirely of contributed talks, without any parallel sessions or posters. Contributions on theory, modeling, and experiments on topics related to the physics of high-power radiofrequency heating and current drive in any frequency range are welcome, including ICRF, HHFW, the lower-hybrid range of frequencies with either the slow or fast wave in that range, and electron-cyclotron heating and current drive with O-modes, X-modes or EBWs. Presentations centered on rf technology should be made at the US-Japan-EU RF Technology Workshop rather than this Workshop, which is concerned with rf physics.


Key Information

Tuesday - Thursday February 20 - February 22, 2024

General Atomics

3550 General Atomics Court

San Diego, California 92121


The US-Japan Workshop on RF Heating Physics will be a traditional in-person meeting, without remote participation. The primary location will be conference room 7/217 on the Torrey Pines campus of General Atomics in San Diego, California. Tuesday and Wednesday will be full days, and the meeting will conclude shortly after mid-day on Thursday.


Participation must be registered through this linked Form, where you will specify details of participation. Fill out this form whether or not you wish to present a talk. The registration deadline for this step is Wednesday January 31, 2024.


If you have restrictions for when you are available for giving a talk, let the program chair (Bob Pinsker) know so that your wishes may be accommodated; please send a direct email if this is the case.


To help with the workshop organization, please complete the first step of the process (the Google Form) at your earlier convenience if you are sure you will participate. If you will present a talk, your title can be changed at a later date after this initial submission, but at least include a tentative title.


If you would like to participate and will not present a talk, still use the same process described above. Registered email addresses from that step will be used to communicate Workshop participation details.


The workshop will not be recorded. However, with author approval, presentations will be posted to a password-protected archive after the workshop. A link will appear in the side menu bar of this website.

Starts 20 Feb 2024, 08:00

Ends 22 Feb 2024, 13:00


General Atomics/San Diego, California

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