Geometry Specification

Subroutine: initbndry

Namelist Parameters: rzero, rmax, modelbnd, ashape, bshape, cshape, eshape, xshape, nbndry

TOQ allows either for the outer shape to be parameterized or for the shape (as well as rzero and rmax) to be read in from a dskeqdata file. The choice is given by the modelbnd namelist variable:

If modelbnd=1 then use the parameterizations described below,

If modelbnd=2 then use the dskeqdata file.

Aspect ratio is set by rzero=Ro and rmax=a.

Shape Parameterization

TOQ allows five different ways to parameterize the last closed flux surface. The parametrization chosen is given by the ishape variable.

ishape=0 Circles

ishape=1 Bean Formula

ishape=2 Dee Formula

ishape=3 Inverse Dee Formula

ishape=4 Bondeson's Dee Formula

ishape=5 Dee Formula for Low Aspect Ratio

Figures done by Scott Halvorson.