User Manual for the

CURRAY 3-D Raytracing Code

                       User Manual of CURRAY
		      T.K. Mau and S.C. Chiu

Brief Description:

	This is a stand-alone version of CURRAY, a 3-D ray tracing code
for RF waves ranging in frequencies from ICRF to LHRF.  It runs mainly
in a tokamak magnetic geometry with the toroidal angle being an
ignorable coordinate.  The ray equations are based primarily on the
cold plasma dispersion relation, with relevant thermal electron
corrections in the LHRF regime.  Solution of the ray equations gives
rise to the ray trajectories and the evolution of wave characteristics
(N_par, N_perp, etc.) along the rays.  Absorption along the rays is
calculated by the use of Poynting's theorem, where local wave
dissipation is expressed in terms of the anti-Hermitian part of the
hot dielectric tensor.  Furthermore, hot electron and ion correction
terms are included in the electric field polarization factors in the
absorption calculations.  Absorption mechanisms modeled include
electron Landau and TTMP, ion cyclotron resonances at the fundamental
and higher harmonics for thermal and isotropic slowing-down distributions.
At present, beam energetic ion absorption is modeled by an equivalent
Maxwellian distribution with a characteristic temperature and anisotropy.

	The rays can be started anywhere in the plasma where the wave is
propagating.  An antenna spectrum is modeled by summing up results from
an array of rays with specified starting locations and wavenumbers.  Both
the fast and slow branches can be followed; the ion-Bernstein wave is
presently not implemented in the code.  Note that mode conversion to the
ion-Bernstein branch is not modeled in this code, but conversion between
the fast and slow branches in the LHRF is modeled.

	The present version of CURRAY is an extension of the RAYLH/RAYIC code
by Marco Brambilla, performed  over the years at GA by S.C. Chiu,
Bob Harvey and T.K. Mau.  The code is now coupled to Shafranov equilibria
described by EQDSK (EFIT/ONETWO) and DSKBAL (TOQ).  The user is adviced to
use only EQDSK for now until further notice.  Provisions are also
present to link the code to ONETWO and CQL3D; however, these latter
linkages still need to be updated for the present verson of CURRAY.

Input to CURRAY:

	There are basically three input files to CURRAY, namely,
'', '', and 'eqdsk.hb' or 'dskbal'.

(1) '' involves input data about the plasma parameters and
    profiles, numerics, and other control parameters.

(2) '' involces input data on the wave parameters, such as
    frequency, mode, ray initial parameters, absorption and current
    drive calculational models, etc.

(3) 'eqdsk.hb' or 'dskbal' is a text file that specifies the equilibrium

	Details of the first two input files are given in a separate
writeup called 'curray_input'.  Details of 'eqdsk.hb' can be obtained
from subroutine FITEQDSK in the file 'magfld.f'.  Information on
'dskbal' resides in subroutine MHDEBM in 'magfld.f'.

	Actually, the file 'zf1r.ou' is also needed to run CURRAY.  This
file contains tabulated values of the Fried-Conte dispersion function
over a large range of the argument.

Output of CURRAY:

	There are two output files from CURRAY, namely, 'currayout'
and 'rayop'.

(1) 'currayout' is a text file that gives global results from
    the code run, such as plasma parameters (geometry, beta value, etc.),
    density and temperature profiles, abbreviated wave parameters along
    rays, absorption and current drive results for each ray and summed up
    for all rays.

(2) 'rayop' is a text data file used mainly for graphics display
    of results and for coupling to other codes, such as ONETWO and CQL3D.
    Details of the content of 'rayop' can be obtained by going into
    text fo subroutine RAYINOUT in the 'inoutdat.f' file.

Graphical Display of CURRAY results:

	Presently, the PGPLOT graphics package is used to display the
code results.  Details of implementing PGPLOT on the local workstations
can be obtained from the GA website.

	The graphics output file is called '' that displays
the plasma density and temperature profiles, the elevation and top
views of all calculated rays, total absorption and current drive
profiles.  Then for each ray, it displays the evolution of the power
flux and parallel refractive index (N_par) along the trajectory, and
the absorption and current drive profiles.  The display can be modified
by making changes inside the file 'curplot.f' and recompiling.

Running CURRAY on Hydra:

	Presently, CURRAY can be run on the Hydra workstation.  The
executable file is called 'xcurray1' and is located in the
directory /d/hp/codes.  The files needed to run CURRAY,
'eqdsk.hb', '', '', and 'zf1r.ou', are located in
/d/hp/curray/latest.  Make sure they  are present in your directory
before executing the program.

	To display the results, one should make use of the executable
'curplot', which is also located in /d/hp/codes.  It reads a file
called 'rayop' produced by 'xcurray1'.  Before running, make sure that
'rayop' is present in the same directory.  The output file ''
is in the Postscript format, which can be displayed using the utility
'gs' in the X-window environment.  To alter the plot file and its format,
you need to make the desired changes in the source code 'curplot.f', and
type make to recompile.  The needed files are located in the tar
file 'curplot.tar' in /d/hp/curray/latest.

Support for CURRAY:

	This is the first official release of CURRAY to the GA Group.
The present version is reasonably friendly that initial runs can be
made by simply following the instructions above.

	CURRAY is still undergoing modifications and improvements
in physics models and user applications.  It will be updated whenever
a new phase of upgrade has been completed.

	For any questions and suggestions for future improvements,
please send e-mail to T.K. Mau at

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