Cookbook for Building CalTrans and Standalone ONETWO

The following procedures, for building CalTrans and standalone ONETWO within the CalTrans environment, have been tested successfully on the three CalTrans-capable systems in the GA Fusion Group: hydra (running HP-UX), cardea (running Tru64 UNIX) and taurus (running Linux). You cannot assume that these procedures will work on any other computers.

One-time setup procedure:

  1. Ensure that you have the proper .caltrans file in your HOME directory. You can download it from here:

    by clicking on the above link, or from the command line by issuing these commands:
    provided you have  wget  installed.

  2. Set environment variables:
          source ~/.caltrans
  3. Go to a directory where you want to work:
          cd /any/where/you/want
  4. Check out (the latest version of) the CalTrans source tree:
          cvs checkout caltrans
  5. Go down one level:
          cd caltrans
  6. Make the makefiles by running this script:
  7. Make CalTrans, saving screen output to a log file:
          gmake World |& tee caltrans-build.log
  8. Go to the ONETWO part of the CalTrans tree:
          cd onetwo/onetwo
  9. Copy the (generated) include files from the directory below:
          cp -p [A-Z]????/*.i .
  10. Make (debug version of) standalone ONETWO, saving screen output to a log file:
          gmake DEBUG=yes -f makefile_sa |& tee onetwo-build.log

The above procedure in compact form (for grabbing with your mouse):

source ~/.caltrans
cd /any/where/you/want
cvs checkout caltrans
cd caltrans
gmake World |& tee caltrans-build.log
cd onetwo/onetwo
cp -p [A-Z]????/*.i .
gmake DEBUG=yes -f makefile_sa |& tee onetwo-build.log

Development procedure:

  1. Make sure you are in the directory where you performed the last step above.

  2. Make sure you are up to date:
          cvs update
  3. Start editing some source code, for example:
          xemacs crayAAA.f crayBBB.f &
  4. Make (standalone) ONETWO, in debug flavor most likely:
          gmake DEBUG=yes -f makefile_sa
  5. Run the (standalone) ONETWO you just created:
  6. Check back in your changes if you are convinced that they are good:
          cvs commit crayAAA.f crayBBB.f

Important note: The above development procedure assumes you will only be changing .f files, not .i files. If you will be changing the latter, there are important additional steps that must be taken.

This page was updated Thursday, 7 February 2002 at 07:12:38 PM.